Over the past two decades,with the impact of climate change and human activities,extreme flood events have occurred frequently in China,which has become one of the major concerns in the coun⁃try.Each time floods take place,the terminology of the return period or recurrence interval of a flood is misinterpreted by the public.In order to help the public learn about the exact meaning of the return peri⁃od and avoid misunderstanding its concept and connotation,this paper,at first,starts with the definition of the return period,clarifying its concept and connotation.Then,with a return period of 100 years as an example,case studies are selected to analyze and answer such questions as how many times a 100-year flood is likely to occur within 100 years,how it is dependent on flood data observed in the past,how it is affected by climate change and human activities,and what is the relationship between the return periods of a storm and its corresponding flood.At last,the paper draws some conclusions and gives the suggestion that the terminology of an N-year flood be revised.
WANG Yicheng(China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100048,China)
Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research