

He Long's Historical Contribution to the Cultivation of the Long March Spirit
摘要 贺龙率部胜利完成了伟大的长征,是对伟大长征精神的生动实践,作出了重大历史贡献:(1)以民族大义为重,果断放弃继续留在南方创建根据地的主张,实践了“把全国人民和中华民族的根本利益看得高于一切,坚定革命的理想和信念,坚信正义事业必然胜利的精神”;(2)为救国救民,率部经历了艰难险阻,付出了许多牺牲,实践了“为了救国救民,不怕任何艰难险阻,不惜付出一切牺牲的精神”;(3)在与中央中断电讯联系的情况下,从实际出发,实事求是地指挥部队的一切军事行动,实践了“独立自主、实事求是,一切从实际出发的精神”;(4)顾全大局,与张国焘展开了最坚决的斗争,实践了“顾全大局、严守纪律、紧密团结的精神”;(5)密切联系群众,帮助群众解决各种问题,实践了“依靠人民群众,同人民群众生死相依、患难与共、艰苦奋斗的精神”。 He Long led the troops to complete the great Long March,demonstrating the Long March Spirit and making great historical contributions to the formation of the spirit.He resolutely gave up the idea of remaining in the south to establish a base area,and cultivated the spirit of"putting the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation above all else,steadfastly upholding the revolutionary ideal and faith,also firmly believing that the cause of justice would inevitably win".In order to save the country and the people,he led the troops through difficulties and hardships and made many sacrifices,cultivating the spirit of"not fearing any difficulties and hardships and sacrificing at all costs".With the interruption of communication with the central government,he proceeded from reality and directed all military operations in a down-to-earth manner,cultivating"the spirit of independence,seeking truth from facts and proceeding from reality in everything".Considering the overall situation,he launched the most resolute struggle with Zhang Guotao and cultivated the spirit of"considering the overall situation,strictly abiding by discipline and being closely united".He maintained close ties with the people,helped them solve various problems,and fostered the spirit of"relying on the people,being interdependent with them in life and death,sharing weal and woe with them,and forging ahead together."
作者 苗体君 MIAO Tijun
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2022年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“中国共产党南路历史文献的搜集、整理和研究(1922-1950)”(17YJA770005)。
关键词 贺龙 长征精神 革命理想 He Long Long March spirit revolutionary ideals
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