Dear Editor,Human parechoviruses(HPeVs)are members of the Picornaviridae family and consist of a non-enveloped positive-sense single-stranded RNA(+ssRNA)(Kadambariet al.2019;Sridhar et al.2019).The Parechovirus genus is comprised of six species,Parechovirus A,B(formerly named Ljungan virus),C(Sebokele virus),D(ferret parechovirus),E(falcon parechovirus)and F(gecko parechovirus).Their 7.3 kb genome contains 3 regions(P1–P3),which encode a polyprotein.The P1 region encodes the structural proteins of the virus in the following order VP0,VP3 and VP1,which form the icosahedral capsid(Benschop et al.2010).