
两汉之际 “河西五郡” 共同体的建构与解体——兼论金城郡的地缘关系 被引量:1

The Construction and Disintegration of “the Hexi Five Counties” Community during the Han Dynasty--Also on the Geographical Relationship of Jincheng County
摘要 更始末,张掖属国都尉窦融基于黄河为河西地区屏障的地理认知,以河西四郡跨越乌鞘岭联合金城郡,形成了据境自保的“河西五郡”地域共同体,自任“河西五郡大将军”。窦融此举更改了金城郡的地缘关系,使其进入河西、陇右和中原的区域互动关系中。东汉建立后,刘秀联合窦融的河西集团,夹击并消灭割据陇右的隗嚣势力集团;后公孙述败,“河西五郡”完全失去战略联盟的价值,其解体成为必然。“河西五郡”地域共同体的形成,是窦融将隗嚣视为阻隔其与中原政权交通的独立集团,是多区域结构性关联的结果。两汉之际人们对河西自然区地理界线认识的模糊,是金城郡被纳入“河西五郡”体系的直接原因,而窦融集团的政治需要则是其重要推动力,但此举未能根本改变金城郡的地理区位,也未能结成稳定的地缘关系。 At the end of Gengshi, Dou Rong, the Douwei of Zhangye Shuguo, was in response to the situation that the disturbing and clamorous forces in the Central Plains occupied Longyou, while the counties to the west of the Yellow River“did not know where to go.”Based on the geographical perception of the Yellow River as a barrier to the Hexi region, Crossed Wushaoling and united Jincheng county to form the "Hexi Five Counties" system, Dou Rong was appointed“General of Hexi Five Counties”. A regional community of self-protection had been formed. Dou Rong included Jincheng county in the category of Hexi to change the geographical relationship of Jincheng county on the Qiang Hu passage. And to bring it into the regional interaction between Hexi, Longyou and the Central Plains,“Hexi Five counties”had become a link in the structural association of regional groups. The Eastern Han dynasty in punitive longyou Kui kingdoms,Jointed Dou Rong Hexi group. The“Hexi Five Counties”system was survived, this was a geopolitical imperative. Kui xiao was destroyed,“Hexi Five Counties”lost the value of strategic alliance, its collapse became inevitable. In general, the formation of“Hexi Five counties”, Dou Rong regarded Longyou Group as a barrier for his complicity with the central Plain. It was the result of structural association of Zhongyuan,Longyou and Hexi regions. During the Han Dynasty, people’s understanding of the geographical boundary of Hexi natural area was blurred. Tt was the direct reason why Jincheng county belonged to the“Hexi Five Counties”system. The political need of Dou Rong group was an important driving factor. The move neither changed the Geographical location, nor formed a stable geopolitical relationship.
作者 僧海霞 Seng Haixia(College of history,Northwest University,xi'an,710127)
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期92-99,共8页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“元明清时期丝绸之路中国段城市景观变迁研究”(19XZS032) 国家社会科学基金中国历史研究院重大历史问题研究专项2021年度重大招标项目“河西走廊与中亚文明”(LSYZD21008)。
关键词 金城郡 河西五郡 窦融 结构性关联 地缘政治 Jincheng county Five Juns in Hexi Dou Rong Structural association Geopolitics
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