
痤疮与肉芽肿性炎症过程 被引量:1

Acne and Granulomatous Inflammation
摘要 痤疮是一种毛囊皮脂腺单位的慢性炎症性疾病,青春期好发,可自愈且易复发,年老后却罕见复发,在特定年龄段表现出明确规律性。粉刺是痤疮的必经阶段,也是诊断痤疮的必备要素。从粉刺最初形成开始,炎症过程贯穿了痤疮的始终,皮脂分泌过多是形成粉刺的必备条件,粉刺破裂可以诱发肉芽肿性炎症过程,消除了粉刺就不会有痤疮发生。 Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the pilosebaceous unit that tends to occur in adolescence,is self-healing and relapse easily,but rarely recurs in old age,and shows a clear pattern at certain age groups.Comedone is an unavoidable stage of acne and a necessary element in the diagnosis of acne.From the initial formation of comedones,the inflammatory process continues throughout the course of acne;excessive sebum production is a prerequisite for the formation of comedones,and the rupture of comedones can induce granulomatous inflammation,and acne will not occur if comedones are eliminated.
作者 马珊珊 杨德刚 MA Shanshan;YANG Degang(Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital,School of Medicine,Tongji University,Shanghai 200443,China)
出处 《皮肤科学通报》 2022年第1期18-22,共5页 Dermatology Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81872537)。
关键词 痤疮 粉刺 巨噬细胞 肉芽肿性炎症 Acne Comedones Macrophages Granulomatous inflammation
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