
紧邻保护建筑侧狭长基坑逆作法分区开挖技术 被引量:2

Reverse Zoning Excavation Technology for Narrow and Long Foundation Pit Close to Side of Protected Building
摘要 结合大中里综合发展项目3区狭长基坑的开挖工况,对紧邻保护建筑的狭长基坑逆作法开挖施工过程中常见的施工场布安排、逆作法分区开挖流程管理、与周围已施工完成的结构连接以及保护建筑侧变形控制等问题进行了研究。总结了利用基坑逆作法,解决有限空间内施工场布布置、基坑开挖变形控制等难题的施工技术。项目达到了基坑开挖变形有效控制、快速高效施工的要求,为今后的类似工程提供了一定的借鉴。 Combined with the excavation conditions of the narrow and long foundation pit in zone 3 of Dazhongli comprehensive development project,the common problems in the reverse excavation of the narrow and long foundation pit close to the protected building,such as the layout of the construction site,the management of the reverse excavation process,the connection with the surrounding completed structures and the side deformation control of the protected building,are studied.This paper summarizes the construction technology of using the reverse method of foundation pit to solve the problems of construction site layout and foundation pit excavation deformation control in limited space.The project meets the requirements of effective control of foundation pit excavation deformation and rapid and efficient construction,which provides a certain reference for similar projects in the future.
作者 徐一博 XU Yibo(Shanghai Construction No.1(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200120,China)
出处 《建筑施工》 2022年第3期454-456,共3页 Building Construction
关键词 狭长基坑 分区开挖 逆作法 结构连接 long and narrow foundation pit divisional excavation reverse method structural connection
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