
路面典型局部变形激励下的振动舒适性评价 被引量:2

Vibration Serviceability Evaluation Under Typical Local Deformations of Pavement
摘要 为研究沥青路面局部变形对行驶质量的影响,对路面养护管理中常见的错台型、双断面型和曲面型3类局部变形激励下的振动舒适性进行了评价.首先,建立了局部变形的纵断面简化模型,并基于1/4车理论推导出路面局部变形激励下的人体竖向加速度时域表达式;其次,设计频率加权滤波器对竖向加速度进行滤波,得到瞬时频率加权加速度,从而求解出不同工况下均方根加速度,实现了振动舒适性的时域加权评价;最后,提出了局部变形的评价标准.分析结果表明:均方根加速度与局部变形高差呈正比关系;同等变形程度下,双断面型变形的行驶感受最差;当错台型、双断面型及曲面型3类局部变形分别达到4.76、2.78、3.26 cm时,行驶质量均达到极不舒适状态. To study the influence of local deformation of asphalt pavement on riding quality,the vibration serviceability under three types of local deformation,joint faulting type,double-section type and curved surface type,which are common in pavement maintenance management,was evaluated.Firstly,simplified profile model of local deformations are established,and vertical vibration accelerations of human body with the excitation of local deformations are derived,based on the quarter car model.Then,the vertical accelerations are filtered with designed frequency-weighted filter,and instantaneous frequency-weighted accelerations are hence obtained,root-mean-square accelerations under different working conditions are calculated,and weighted vibration serviceability evaluation in time-domain is achieved.Finally,evaluation criteria of local deformations are proposed.The results show that,root-mean-square acceleration is directly proportional to height difference of local deformation.Under the same deformation degree,the driving experience of double-section deformation is the worst.When local deformation height difference of joint faulting,double-section and curved surface reaches 4.76,2.78 and 3.26 cm,respectively,riding quality reaches extremely uncomfortable states.
作者 郭雄峰 陈长 冯奇 GUO Xiongfeng;CHEN Zhang;FENG Qi(Shanghai Urban Construction Design&Research Institute(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200125,China;Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期376-383,共8页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金(71471134)。
关键词 行驶舒适性评价 频率加权滤波器 路面局部变形 竖向加速度 高差 riding serviceability evaluation frequency-weighted filter local deformation of pavement vertical acceleration height difference
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