
中国应对美国次级制裁的反制研究 被引量:2

Research on China’s Anti-Sanctions Against Secondary Sanctions of the United States
摘要 美国次级制裁是美国法域外适用的一种形式,将其经济制裁的法律法规适用于与其无关的第三国企业和个人,破坏第三国经济秩序、影响第三国社会稳定。由于“中国威胁论”和“让美国再次强大”理念的影响,使得我国成为美国直接制裁目标的同时,还深受美国次级制裁的打击。这种做法不仅侵犯我国主权、干涉我国内政,还严重影响了我国企业的对外贸易往来。虽然在理论上我国可以通过取得美国总统豁免权和借助国际组织的力量来反制美国次级制裁,但在实践操作中难度大且效果欠佳。因此,我国应从自身出发,根据域外反制美国次级制裁的理论和实践,结合我国具体情况,从防御和进攻两个方向寻求我国反制美国次级制裁的对策。 Secondary sanctions of the United States is a form of extraterritorial application,which applies its laws and regulations of economic sanctions to the enterprises and individuals of the third country that have no relationship with the United States,in order to undermine the economic order and affect the social stability of the third country.Due to the influence of the“China threat theory”and the idea of“making America strong again”,China has become the target of direct sanctions of the United States,meanwhile it has also been deeply hit by secondary sanctions of the United States.This practice not only violates China’s sovereignty and interferes with China’s internal affairs,but also seriously affects the foreign trade of Chinese enterprises.Although in theory,China can counter the secondary sanctions of the United States by obtaining US presidential immunity and using the power of international organizations,it is difficult and ineffective in practice.Therefore,China should start from itself,according to the theory and the practice of countering the secondary sanctions of the United States from other countries and combining with practical situation of China,and seek the anti-sanctions measures from two directions of defensing and attacking.
作者 唐也斯 杨署东 TANG Yesi;YANG Shudong(Chongqing University of Law School)
机构地区 重庆大学
出处 《国际贸易》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期89-96,共8页 Intertrade
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目“法定数字货币跨境流动的规制体系研究”(2020BS85)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 次级制裁 美国法域外适用 阻断法 secondary sanctions the extraterritorial application of American law blocking law
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