

Rethinking the Development of New Retail in the Context of Population Aging
摘要 人口的老龄化,为中国零售业的发展带来了机遇和挑战。线上消费习惯的养成、上网时间的延长,为老年人融入新零售奠定了基础。但学习能力的不足,对网络安全性的顾虑又阻碍了老年人迈向新零售的步伐。零售商应适时调整经营战略,了解分析老年消费者的需求特征和购物障碍,探索和推进适老化服务,满足他们高品质、多元化的需求,提升零售业的运转效率。同时,政府、社区、教育机构等各方应共同努力,提供教育服务,优化市场环境,促进老年人更新观念、提升信息综合素养和应用技能,享受社会进步带来的福利。 The aging of the population has brought opportunities and challenges to the development of China's retail industry.The development of online consumption habits and the extension of online time have laid the foundation for the elderly to integrate into new retail.However,the lack of learning ability and concerns about network security have hindered the elderly from moving towards new retail.Retailers should adjust their business strategies in a timely manner,understand and analyze the demand characteristics and shopping barriers of elderly consumers,explore and promote aging-friendly services,meet their high-quality and diversified needs,and improve the operational efficiency of the retail industry.At the same time,the government,communities,educational institutions and other parties should work together to provide educational services,optimize the market environment,promote the elderly to update their concepts,improve their comprehensive information literacy and application skills,and enjoy the benefits brought by social progress.
作者 庞华 余远坤 PANG Hua;YU Yuan-kun(Zhanjiang Open University,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524000;Guangdong Open University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510091)
出处 《江苏商论》 2022年第4期32-35,40,共5页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
基金 广东普通高校重点项目(人文社科):《产业融合视角下广东现代零售业发展与创新研究》项目编号:2019WZDXM011。
关键词 老龄化 新零售 老年人 需求 消费 aging new retail the elderly demand consumption
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