
基于用户认知评价的汽车前格栅形态研究 被引量:1

A Study on Form of Automobile Front Grille based on User Cognitive Evaluation
摘要 文章以汽车前格栅造型为研究对象,对现售轿车前脸样本进行特征提取和定义,再以KANO标准问卷的方式对消费者进行调研并结合权重分析,获得他们对汽车前格栅造型的态度,设计出符合用户审美偏好的前格栅造型。最后通过实验验证显示结果符合预期。该方法可以帮助设计师理解消费者对特定领域商品的审美认知特点,降低设计创新风险。 Taking the shape of the front grille of the car as the research object,the feature extraction and definition of the front face samples of the currently sold cars are carried out,and then the consumers are surveyed by the KANO standard questionnaire and combined with the weight analysis to obtain their attitudes to the shape of the front grille of the car,The desig n of the front grille conforms to the user's aesthetic prefere nces.Fin ally,experime ntal verification shows that the results are in line with expectations.This method can help designers understand consumers'aesthetic perception characteristics of products in a specific field,and reduce the risk of design in novation.
作者 黄雪飞 于家浩 Huang Xuefei;Yu Jiahao(School of Art and Design,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2022年第4期111-113,共3页 Art and Design
关键词 用户评价 审美认知 KANO模型 前格栅 汽车设计 user evaluation aesthetic perception Kano model front grille car design
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