The evolution of new traits in living organisms occurs via the processes of mutation,recombination,genetic drift,and selection.These processes that have resulted in the immense biol ogical diversity on our planet are also being employed in metabolic engineering to optimize enzymes and pathways,create new-to-nature reactions,and synthesize complex natural products in heterologous systems.In this review,we discuss two evolution-aided strategies for metabolic engineering-directed evolution,which improves upon existing genetic templates using the evolutionary process,and combinatorial pathway reconstruction,which brings together genes evolved in different organisms into a single heterol ogous host.We discuss the general principles of these strategies,describe the technologies involved and the molecular traits they influence,provide examples of their use,and discuss the roadblocks that need to be addressed for their wider adoption.A better understanding of these strategies can provide an impetus to research on gene function discovery and biochemical evolution,which is foundational for improved metabolic engineering.These evolution-aided approaches thus have a substantial potential for improving our understanding of plant metabolism in general,for enhancing the production of plant metabolites,and in sustainable agriculture.