
西藏兰科植物5个新记录种 被引量:3

Five Newly Recorded Species of Orchidaceae in Tibet
摘要 掌握区域本底植物资源特点对植物区系研究具有重要意义,兰科植物是现存被子植物中最进化的类群,其分布调查及种群特点均是研究的重点。西藏为我国兰科植物分布的热点区域,尤其在世界第一大峡谷的雅鲁藏布大峡谷区域,其兰科植物本底资料尚不清楚,近年来有诸多新分布及新种陆续报道。为进一步摸清雅鲁藏布大峡谷区域的兰科植物分布,西藏农牧学院林学团队近年来多次进入大峡谷核心区域进行兰科植物本底资源调查。经鉴定,结果发现西藏兰科植物分布新记录种5个:分别为石斛属(Dendrobium)的独龙石斛(Dendrobiumpraecintum)、具槽石斛(Dendrobiumsulcatum)、球花石斛(Dendrobiumthyrsiflorum);齿唇兰属(Odontochilus)的齿唇兰(Odontochilus lanceolatus);菱兰属(Rhomboda)的白肋菱兰(Rhomboda tokioi)。5个西藏兰科植物新记录种均发现于西藏自治区墨脱县附近,其中独龙石斛(D.praecintum)、具槽石斛(D.sulcatum)、球花石斛(D.thyrsiflorum)和齿唇兰(D.tokioi)均为喜马拉雅南麓的广布种,本次发现地点在一定程度上印证了这4种兰科植物在喜马拉雅南麓锡金至云南段呈连续分布;白肋菱兰(A.lanceolatus)则为我国新的分布点(之前报道见于广东、台湾等地)。因此,该研究结果对西藏兰科植物区系及雅鲁藏布大峡谷兰科植物区系研究具有一定的意义。 The characteristics of regional background plant species are of great significance to the study of flora and plant species evolution. Orchids are the most evolved group of angiosperms, and the distribution and population characteristics have been focused for a long time. Tibet is a hot area of orchids distribution in China, especially in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, the world’s largest grand Canyon and where the background information of orchids is still unclear. As a result, many investigations have been carried out and lots of studies about newly records and new species of Orchidaceae have been reported in recent years. In order to understand Orchidaceae in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon,the member of forestry Innovation Team of Xizang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry University have investigated the resources of orchids in the Grand Canyon for many times in recent years. After identification, 5 newly records species of orchidaceae were observed in Tibet, which were Dendrobium praecintum, Dendrobium sulcatum, Dendrobium thyrsiflorum, Odontochilus lanceolatus, and Rhomboda tokioi. All of the five newly Tibetan records of orchids were founded in Modog County, Tibet Autonomous Region. In additon, D. praecintum, D. sulcatum, D. thyrsiflorum and D. tokioi are widely distributed in the southern of the Himalayas, but this study was the first report that the four species were existed in Tibet. Moreover, our results indicated that the four orchids maybe continuously distributed from Sikkim to Yunnan in the southern of the Himalayas to some extent. Additionally, the distribution area of A. lanceolatus is a newly distributed site in China(previously reported in Guangdong, Taiwan, and so on). Therefore, our results have values for the diversity and floristic characteristics of orchids in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.
作者 赵佳敏 李孟凯 庞深深 郑维列 邢震 周鹏 王伟 ZHAO Jiamin;LI Mengkai;PANG Shenshen;ZHENG Weilie;XING Zhen;ZHOU Peng;WANG Wei(Tibet Agriculture&Animal Husbandry University,Nyingchi,Tibet 860000,China)
机构地区 西藏农牧学院
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期710-713,共4页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 新农科背景下《植物学》校内实习场地功能完善项目(藏财科教指2021-27号) 林学创新团队项目(藏财预指2020-11-07)。
关键词 兰科 新记录种 西藏 Orchidaceae newly recorded Tibet
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