With the 1996 Blocking Regulation against secondary sanctions of the US as a startingpoint, the EU Blocking Statute intends to prevent the US sanctions laws from being appliedin the EU, which in the early days was used more like a leverage in political negotiationswith the US. Consequently, the US voluntarily restricted the application of its sanctions lawsoutside its territory and legal conflicts with EU Blocking Regulations was thus avoided.However, the EU’s support to US sanctions against Iran has led to a global proliferation ofUS extraterritorial unilateral sanctions and due to their serious differences concerning sanc-tions against Iran, the conflict between the EU blocking Statute and the US extraterritorialunilateral sanctions laws has entered a peak phase. On the one hand, the courts of EUmember states narrowed their interpretation of the “Blocking Regulation” to reduce conflictsbetween the two sides. On the other hand, they allow EU persons to comply with US sanc-tions laws which the Blocking Statute prohibits in order to avoid serious damages. At present, the EU blocking law is trapped into a dilemma that it is difficult to block the US extra-territorial sanctions and the EU is planning to change its disadvantaged position by promo-ting the internationalization of the euro, issuing the “Anti-economic Coercion Regulations”and amending the “Blocking Regulations” in order to maintain the sovereignty of EU mem-ber states. As a victim of US extraterritorial sanctions, China may learn from the lessons ofthe EU.
Chinese Journal of European Studies