目的掌握滦州市不同区域农村学校饮用水氟化物含量,准确评估在校师生发生氟中毒的风险,因地制宜,分类指导改水降氟。方法按行政区划与地形地貌划分区域,不同区域随机抽取农村学校,每所学校采集末梢水1份,依国家标准(GB/T 5750—2006)规定方法检验样品氟化物含量,并对不同井深、不同区域样品检验结果进行比较。结果共采集检验农村学校生活饮用水样品83份,氟化物含量范围0.10~4.60 mg/L,均值0.91 mg/L,检验合格率79.52%(66/83);水源井深≤60 m的水质样品18份,井深>60 m的水质样品65份,氟化物含量均值分别为0.55、1.00 mg/L,合格率分别为88.89%、76.92%,不同井深样品在含量均值与合格率上差异均无统计学意义(t=1.69,P>0.05;χ^(2)=1.24,P>0.05);不同区域学校样品氟化物含量、检验合格率不同,差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=8.65,P<0.05),西北地区水质样品氟化物含量略高于其他区域,合格率低于其他区域。结论滦州市农村学校饮用水氟化物含量超标是影响在校师生身体健康的主要危险因素之一;西北地区是开展地方性氟中毒防治的重点区域。
Objective To master the fluoride content in drinking water of rural schools in different regions of Luanzhou City, accurately assess the risk of fluorosis among teachers and students, and guide the improvement of drinking water to reduce fluoride according to local conditions.Methods Rural schools in different regions were randomly selected based on administrative division and topography, and one sample of peripheral water from each school was acquired.The fluoride content of samples was tested in accordance with national standard(GB/T 5750—2006),and the test results of samples from different well depths and regions were compared.Results A total of 83 drinking water samples from rural schools were collected and tested, the fluoride content ranged from 0.10 to 4.60 mg/L with the mean value in 0.91 mg/L,and the qualification rate tested was 79.52%(66/83);18 water samples with water source depth ≤60 m and 65 water samples with well depth >60 m were collected and tested, and mean content of fluoride was 0.55 mg/L and 1.00 mg/L respectively, and the qualification rate was 88.89% and 76.92% respectively.All the differences in mean content and qualification rate of samples from different well depths were not statistically significant(t=1.69,P>0.05;χ^(2)=1.24,P>0.05).The content of fluoride and qualification rate of school samples in different regions were different, and the differences were statistically significant(χ^(2)=8.65,P<0.05).The content of fluoride of water samples in Northwest China was slightly higher than that in other regions, and the qualification rate was lower than that in other regions.Conclusion The content of fluoride of drinking water in rural schools is one of primary risk factors influencing the health of teachers and students, and Northwest China is considered to be a key region to implement the prevention and control of endemic fluorosis.
REN Hong-yun;SUI Zhen-jiang;YANG Li-jun;WANG Xiao-ling;WEI Ying;ZHAO Xue-guo;DAI Ai-hua(Luanzhou City Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Hebei 063700,China)
Journal of Medical Pest Control