

A Review of A Study of Jewishness in Cynthia Ozick’s Fiction
摘要 《辛西娅·欧芝克小说中的犹太性研究》是国内欧芝克研究的集大成之作,也是中国学者对美国犹太文学研究的最新贡献。该书聚焦犹太性,细致梳理国内外欧芝克研究现状,并遵循文学伦理学批评原理,深入分析欧芝克如何继承、发展当代美国犹太小说的书写特点。作者肖飚对欧芝克所进行的中国版“米德拉什”体现了其开阔的国际视野和良好的共情能力。概而言之,该书有三个鲜明的特点:一是资料丰富,采用了大量的第一手外文资料,内容厚重、视角新颖,开拓了国内欧芝克研究的新局面;二是聚焦明确,将历史、文化和理论研究与文本分析相结合,集中考察了欧芝克小说中的犹太性及其艺术表现形式,揭示了作品内在逻辑的统一性及思想内涵的丰富性,充分显示了作者对研究对象的透彻理解;三是思考缜密,从女性主义批评、新历史主义批评、后现代叙事研究和文化研究等多个视角全面剖析了欧芝克及其作品,并在历史语境中展开横向、纵向的比较,展现了作者富有穿透力的辩证思维。 A Study of Jewishness in Cynthia Ozick’s Fiction is a masterpiece of Cynthia Ozick’s studies in China and the latest contribution made by Chinese scholar to the study of American Jewish literature.This book presents an exhaustive overview of Ozick’s studies at home and abroad, with emphasis on the Jewishness in Ozick’s fiction and it follows the principles of Ethical Literary Criticism in analyzing how Ozick inherits and develops the Jewishness in American Jewish fiction and its literary presentation. Xiao Biao’s Chinese “Midrash” on Ozick’s fiction shows great international perspective and good understanding and empathy. To sum up, the book has three distinct features: Firstly, it is rich in materials with a large number of first-hand foreign research materials. The content is decorous, and the perspective is new. The book is a comprehensive, systematic and cutting-edge research in this field, which creates a new situation in the study of Ozick. Secondly, it focuses on the Jewishness and its artistic expression in Ozick’s fiction by combining historical, cultural and theoretical research with textual analysis, revealing the rich connotation and internal unity of the works, and demonstrating the author’s thorough understanding of the research object. Thirdly,it is characterized by dialectical thinking. It dialectically analyzes Ozick and her works from multiple perspectives such as feminist criticism, new historicism criticism, postmodern narrative research and cultural research, and makes horizontal and vertical comparisons in the historical context. The book demonstrates well the author’s penetrating dialectical thinking.
作者 王祖友 WANG Zuyou(School of Foreign Languages,Taizhou University,Taizhou 225300,China)
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2021年第6期100-104,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
基金 江苏省社科应用研究精品工程外语类课题“悖论诗学视角下的拉美当代小说研究”(20SWB-31)。
关键词 《辛西娅·欧芝克小说中的犹太性研究》 犹太性 米德拉什 辩证思维 A Study of Jewishness in Cynthia Ozick’s Fiction Jewishness Midrash dialectical thinking
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