

Studies on Morphology and Mitochondrial Gene of Gasterophilus sp. (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) from Mongolian Horses
摘要 为了研究目前蒙古马马胃蝇流行种类,2019年1月在内蒙古呼和浩特市四子王旗收集到感染马胃蝇的8匹蒙古马,剖检后获取胃蝇幼虫。利用解剖镜、光学显微镜和扫描电镜对蒙古马马胃蝇幼虫进行形态学观察。同时选取20个蒙古马马胃蝇三龄幼虫,通过PCR方法,扩增蒙古马马胃蝇线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基(COXⅡ)基因、16S rRNA基因。利用MEGA 6.0软件对蒙古马马胃蝇细胞色素氧化酶亚基(COXⅡ)基因、16S rRNA基因与GenBank数据库中胃蝇属的其他种类同源序列进行比较并构建系统发育树。结果表明:蒙古马马胃蝇幼虫三龄幼虫领部棘刺,体节上的棘刺底部宽、刺尖细,口脊骨页部形态平滑,伪头小刺结构清晰,这些特征与黑腹胃蝇三期幼虫的形态相似。蒙古马马胃蝇与GenBank数据库中狂蝇属、黄蝇属、胃蝇属(肠胃蝇、黑腹胃蝇、红尾胃蝇)和皮蝇属的昆虫在系统发育树中分开,有一定遗传距离,且单独成一个分支。鉴于分离到的蒙古马马胃蝇形态上与黑腹胃蝇相似,但是线粒体基因存在变异,可能代表黑腹胃蝇的一个新变种。 In order to study the current epidemic Gasterophilus sp.(Diptera: Gasterophilidae) in Mongolian horses, Gasterophilus larvae were collected from stomach of eight infected Mongolian horses in Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia in January 2019. Morphological observation of Gasterophilus larvae from Mongolian horses was carried out by anatomical mirror, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, 20 Gasterophilus third-instar larvae from Mongolian horses were selected, and their mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit(COXⅡ) gene and 16 S rRNA gene were amplified by PCR. MEGA 6.0 software was used to compare the cytochrome oxidase subunit(COXⅡ) gene and 16 S rRNA gene with the homologous sequences of other Gasterophilus species in the GenBank database and to construct phylogenetic tree. Morphological observation of the third instar larvae of Mongolian horse Gasterophilus sp. showed that the collar spines and the spines on the body segments were wide at bottom, the thorns were thin, the head of the oral cristae was smooth, and the dorsal spines in the pseudocephalon were clear. These features resemble those of the third stage larvae of Gasterophilus pecorum. MEGA 6.0 software analysis of cytochrome oxidase subunit(COXⅡ) gene and 16 S rRNA gene sequences revealed that Gasterophilus sp. from Mongolian horses and Gasterophilinae(Gasterophilus intestinealis, Gasterophilus pecorum), Cuterebrinae, Hypodermatinae, and Oestrinae from the GenBank database form different phylogenetic tree branches. Given that the third instar larvae of Mongolian horse Gasterophilus sp. are similar to those of G. pecorum in morphology, but harbor mutations in the mitochondrial genes, Gasterophilus sp. from Mongolian horses may represent a new variant of G. pecorum.
作者 董俊斌 包海泉 DONG Jun-bin;BAO Hai-quan(College of Veterinary and Medicine,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,China;College of Food Science and Engineering,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,China)
出处 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第11期6-11,共6页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
基金 内蒙古自治区教育厅项目(NJZY17074) 国家自然科学基金项目(31760731)。
关键词 蒙古马 马胃蝇 形态学 细胞色素氧化酶亚基(COXⅡ) 16S rRNA基因 Mongolian horse Gasterophilus sp. mophology mitochondrial gene COXⅡ 16S rRNA
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