
中国共产党百年奋斗的深厚根基、根本逻辑和实践遵循 被引量:2

The Deep Root,Fundamental Logic and Practice of the Communist Party of China’s Century-old Endeavor
摘要 "十个坚持"是中国共产党在历经艰辛、饱经风雨的长期摸索中积累下来的成功经验。对此,可以从深厚根基、根本逻辑和实践遵循这三重视角来审视。就深厚根基而言,它表现为以史为鉴的历史结晶、百年奋斗的理论升华和"世界之问"的求索回答;就根本逻辑而言,它体现为与时俱进推进理论创新的思想逻辑、始终不渝坚持人民立场的价值逻辑、坚定不移走自己道路的实践逻辑和刀刃向内推进自我革命的政党逻辑;就实践遵循而言,它表现为用马克思主义中国化最新成果指导新的实践、把为了人民和依靠人民统一起来和以伟大自我革命推动伟大社会革命、用历史主动精神创造新的历史奇迹。这三重视角是回答"过去我们为什么能够成功、未来我们怎样才能继续成功"这一问题的根本所在。 “Ten Persistence”which could be carefully examined from three angles including deep root,fundamental logic and practice,are the accumulated cherished experience during the long and hard-fought exploration by CPC.The deep root could be presented by the historical crystallization learning from history,the theoretical sublimation of century-old endeavor and the answer to why CPC could make it happen.The fundamental logic could be presented by the ideological logic of advancing theological innovation with the times,the value logic of unswervingly putting the people first,the practical logic of steadfastly following Chinese path and the party logic of blade-inwardly promote self-targeted revolution.The practice could be presented by guiding social practice by latest achievements of the localization of Marxism in China,promoting the great social revolution by integrating the idea of for the people and by the people and by the great self-targeted revolution and innovating the new historical miracle by the spirit of historical initiative.Based on the above three angels,the key to why we could make it happen and how we could maintain the achievements could be clearly illustrated.
作者 双传学 张亦佳 Shuang Chuanxue;Zhang Yijia
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期1-7,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 中国共产党 百年奋斗 深厚根基 根本逻辑 实践遵循 the Communist Party of China century-old endeavor deep root fundamental logic practice
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