2022年1月,距离2022北京冬奥会开幕还有几周的时间,北京延庆迎来了一位特殊的“客人”——货真价实的“冰”墩墩。十余天前,这个冰墩墩还是松花江中的普通冰块,如今却稳稳地矗立在北京冬奥会延庆赛区指定酒店的空地上。它跨越了1 300km的距离,从哈尔滨来到北京,奔赴北京冬奥这场“冰雪之约”,这其中,刘大伟和他的欧曼EST冷藏车功不可没。
On January 4,2022,an artistic ice sculpture weighing several tons and based on the mascot of the Olympic Winter Games “Bingdwendwen” was transported from Harbin to Beijing by Auman automatic transmission refrigerator truck.The driver,Liu Dawei,breathed a sigh of relief when Bingdwendwen arrived at Beijing safely.In his opinion,the most important thing to thank for the successful completion of this task is his “good partner”--Auman EST refrigerator truck.
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