根据中国汽车工业协会发布的最新数据,2021年,汽车产销2 608.2万辆和2 627.5万辆,同比增长3.4%和3.8%,结束了自2018年以来连续3年的下降趋势。中汽协会相关负责人表示,2021年适逢“两个百年”历史交汇期,立足“十四五”开局之年,汽车行业全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,在工信部等政府业务主管部门的指导下,在全行业的共同努力下,汽车行业面对芯片短缺、原材料价格持续高位等不利因素影响,迎难而上,主动作为,全年汽车产销呈现稳中有增的发展态势,展现出强大的发展韧性和发展动力。
In 2021,the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 4.674 million units and 4.793 million units,with a year-on-year decrease of 10.7% and 6.6%,respectively,ending the rapid growth trend of the previous year.Among the main varieties of commercial vehicles,compared with the same period of last year,the production and sales of passenger vehicles increased rapidly,while the production and sales of trucks decreased.
Commercial Vehicle