
论白先勇短篇小说中的听觉叙事 被引量:1

On the Auditory Narration of Pai Hsien-yung’s Short Fiction
摘要 世界华文文学大家白先勇的短篇小说拥有丰富的声音资源。在叙事策略及技巧上,白先勇一方面以音缀事,借助贯穿文本或具体事件或人物意识流的声音景观,赋予小说叙事以整体性,使个人笔下的“孽海情天”有色亦有声;另一方面,作者赋予小说中的各类声音景观丰富的象征意义,既可见人物命运的表征,情欲与死亡的联系,也有对普世之爱的象征。此外,白先勇还充分运用以声衬情的策略,在表达人物个体心境、情绪的同时,凝聚了作者的历史意识与命运意识,映衬苍凉的人生情境,折射出作家的悲悯情怀。听觉叙事在白先勇短篇小说中承担了重要的叙事功能,而探究白先勇小说中的声音景观,也有助于更全面地展现白先勇艺术世界魅力,并开拓出新的研究思路。 There is a rich sound source in the short fiction of Pai Hsien-yung,a literary master in the world of Chinese-language literature.In his narrative strategy and skills,Pai strings his stories together by way of sound,providing his fictional narrative with a totality by way of soundscape that goes through the text,concrete events or stream of consciousness on the part of his characters,enriching his writing with sound as well as colours.On the other hand,by giving a rich symbolic meaning to a soundscape of all sorts,one could see the signs of the characters’fate and the links between sexual desire and death,and there is also the symbol of universal love.In addition,while giving expression to the characters’individual state of mind and emotions,Pai,through his full use of a strategy to offset feeling with sound,condenses his historical consciousness and his sense of fate,against the backdrop of the desolate human condition,with his compassion refracted.Auditory narration performs an important narrative function in Pai’s short fiction,and an exploration of the soundscape in Pai’s fiction is of help in more comprehensively showing the glamour of Pai Hsien-yung’s art world and opening up a new path of research.
作者 奚炜轩 Xi Weixuan
出处 《华文文学》 2022年第2期72-79,共8页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 白先勇 短篇小说 声音景观 听觉叙事 Pai Hsien-yung short fiction soundscape auditory narration
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