1Ronald Steel: Walter Lippman and the American Century, Transaction Publisher: New Brunswick andLondon 1999, P 183.
2Denis McQuail: McQuail's Mass Communication theory (5th edition), SAGE , 2005, P 375 .
3Walter Lippmann , Liberty and the News , Transaction Publisher: New Brunswick and London 1995,Untroduction, P.8,P. 10,P.15,P.21,P.23 P.34,P.58,P 80,P 88,P 50,P 44,P 57, P 74, P 71.
4The Chicago School and the History of Mass Communication Research,in James Carey: A Critical Reader, University of Minnesota, 1997,P 23.
5Waher Lippmann, Public Opinion , New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1922,P.358, P 360, P 362.
6Richard Streckfuss: Objectivity in Journalism: A Search and a Reassessment in American Journalism Review 1990 winter Vol. 67 No.4 P 977, P 981- 982.
7Michael Schudson, Discovering the News, New York: Basic Books, 1978,P 154, P 94, P 40.