
宋代曾子道统地位的确立 被引量:2

The Elevation of Zengzi’s Status in Confucian Orthodoxy during Song Dynasty
摘要 曾子虽然在阙里孔庙附祭较早,但其在孔门的升格肇端于唐代,完成于宋代。在宋代,《孝经》的著作权越来越从孔子倾向于曾子,宋人还大力消解曾子不列于四科十哲和“参也鲁”这两个不利因素。宋人大多否定十哲超越曾子,又将曾子之“鲁”延展为笃实有守,进而认为“鲁”正是曾子能够明道并传道的原因。而孔子“一以贯之”的提醒和曾子“忠恕”的诠释,则不仅是曾子气质变化的转折点,也是曾子明道传道最为主要的证据。随着曾子道统地位的确立,其明道传道之功逐渐超越了其在《孝经》上的贡献。朱熹确立曾子和《大学》的关系,又合刻《四书集注》,并以颜子、曾子、子思、孟子配享孔子,这一孔庙四配道统系谱最终定型。 Although privileged for a long time to be worshiped as a subsidiary figure in Confucian temple in Queli,only during Tang Dynasty did Zengzi begin to enjoy a higher status in Confucian Orthodoxy.Since then and up until Song Dynasty,he was elevated in terms of importance and privileges.There was a growing tendency among Song scholars to attribute the authorship of The Classic of Filial Piety to Zengzi,and efforts were also made by the scholars to neutralize the negative impact of Zengzi's exclusion from the Four Branches and Ten Philosophers,and an unfavorable remark of his"dullness"from the Master.Still,most Song scholars denied that the Ten Philosophers were as good as Zengzi,they rather extrapolated the connotation of"Lu"(鲁)of Zengzi to integrity and honesty,thus claiming that it is the very"Lu"(鲁)that makes Zengzi capable of understanding and preaching the Way.Confucius'saying"The Way of mine is always consistent"and Zengzi's interpretation of this"consistent"as being of loyalty and forgiveness–convinces many Song scholars not only of Zengzi's transformation in terms of temperament,but also of Zengzi's capability to understand and preach the Way.With the elevation of Zengzi's status in Confucian orthodoxy,his contribution begins to lie more on understanding and preaching the Way,than on authoring The Classic of Filial Piety.It is Zhu Xi who concluded this elevation process of Zengzi;he ascertained Zengzi's authorship of The Great Learning,published his milestone commentary on The Four Books(The Analects of Confucius,The Book of Mencius,The Great Learning,and The Doctrine of the Mean),and established the Lineage of Confucian Orthodoxy,ranking Zengzi as one of the Four Sages(other three being Yanzi,Zengzi and Zisi),the four partakers of the sacrificial rites and worship offered in Confucian temples.
作者 郭畑 Guo Tian
出处 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期100-109,159,共11页 Confucius Studies
关键词 曾子 宋代 道统 四配 十哲 Zengzi Song Dynasty The Confucian Orthodoxy The Four Sages The Ten Philosophers
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