In order to better understand the application of water balance model, the author analyzes the principle of water balance model and studies the groundwater-surface water interaction by using the measured values of river flow, groundwater flow, solute concentration and isotope ratio. By selecting a river section as the research area, the inflow, outflow, solute concentration and isotope ratio of the river section are measured, and the model inflow, model outflow and model net balance are analyzed by using the water balance model. The results show that there is water loss in the studied river section, and the water loss rate in the model can be quantified by mass and solute balance method. Water balance model can be used as a tool for water resources evaluation to enhance the effective utilization of water resources by determining the mechanism of river water loss.
WU Minli(Guangxi Vocational College of Water Resources and Electric Power,Nanning 530023,China)
Hongshui River