

The Plant Community Types and Their Distribution on Neilingding Island in Guangdong
摘要 【目的】划分广东内伶仃岛植物群落类型及绘制其分布图,为内伶仃岛国家二级保护动物猕猴栖息地的分析以及保护区的长期规划和有效管理建设提供科学依据。【方法】在广东内伶仃岛—福田国家级自然保护区面积为554 hm^(2)的内伶仃岛调查1个15 hm^(2)大样地、113个100 m^(2)小样地和317个样点,结合无人机航拍影像,对岛内植物群落进行分类,绘制植物群落类型分布图,并计测其分布面积。【结果】内伶仃岛的自然与人工植被可划分为25个群落类型,隶属于9个植被型和17个植被亚型。自然植被占全岛面积的51.81%,占植被分布面积的61.66%,主要的群落类型包括白楸(Mallotus paniculatus)群落、破布叶(Microcos paniculata)群落、刺葵(Phoenix loureiroi)群落、鹅掌柴(Schefflera heptaphylla)群落、榕树(Ficus microcarpa)群落、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)-鹅掌柴+银柴(Aporosa dioica)群落。人工植被占全岛面积的32.21%,占植被分布面积的38.34%,台湾相思林为主要的人工植被类型。破布叶群落在岛内分布较广,其分布与海拔无显著相关。【结论】作为离岛,内伶仃岛与大陆植被的差异主要表现在由于长期受人类活动的干扰及猕猴活动的影响,群落结构与物种组成较为简单,抵抗外来入侵植物的影响能力较低,但自然植被仍是岛上的主要植被类型。建议加强本地乡土植物的引进种植,优化植被结构,为猕猴提供良好的栖息地环境和充足食源植物。 【Objective】This study aimed to classify vegetation communities,draw their distribution maps on Neilingding Island in Guangdong,then provide scientific foundation for habitat analysis of Macaca mulatta,a national second-class protected animal species,as well as long-term planning and efficient management for the nature preserve.【Method】A subsampling survey was conducted within the whole Neilingding island(554 hm^(2)),including a large plot of 15 hm^(2),113 subplots(100 m^(2))and 317 sampling sites.With the assistance of UAV aerial images and GIS,the vegetation community types on the islands were classified and presented with calculated areas.【Result】The naturally regenerated and planted vegetation on Neilingding Island was classifed into 9 vegetation types,17 vegetation subtypes,and 25 community types.Natural vegetation covered 51.81%of the total area of the island,while 61.66%of the total area of vegetation distribution.The principal community types contained Mallotus paniculatus community,Microcos paniculata community,Phoenix loureiroi community,Schefflera heptaphylla community,Ficus microcarpa community and Pinus massoniana–S.heptaphylla+Aporosa dioica community.Planted vegetation covered 32.21%of the total area of the island,while 38.34%of the total area of vegetation distribution.Acacia confusa forest is the largest planted vegetation type.Microcos paniculata community was widely distributed on this island,with no significance with altitude.【Conclusion】As an outlying island,the vegetation on Neilingding Island differs from that on the mainland,which was shown by the long-term influence of human activities and the significant species Macaca mulatta.It was relatively uncomplicated that the community structure and species com-position of native vegetation,so that it was uneasy to resist the influence of alien invasive plants.However,it was the primary veget-ation type that the natural vegetation on the island.The introduction and planting of native plants should be strengthened to optimize the vegetation structure,which could provide a premium habitat environment and sufficient food plants for the Macaca mulatta species.
作者 张娟娟 乔雪婷 李文斌 佟森 李步杭 杨琼 徐华林 陈婷 余世孝 ZHANG Juanjuan;QIAO Xueting;LI Wenbin;TONG Sen;LI Buhang;YANG Qiong;XU Huanlin;CHEN Ting;YU Shixiao(Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University in Shenzhen,Shenzhen 518057,China;School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-sen Uni-versity,Guangzhou 510275,China;Neilingding-Futian National Nature Reserve of Guangdong,Shenzhen 518040,China;State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510725,China)
出处 《陆地生态系统与保护学报》 2021年第1期23-37,共15页 Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation
基金 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目(基20180285) 深圳市城市管理局科研资助项目(201802) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515010641)。
关键词 植物群落类型与分布 无人机遥感影像 内伶仃岛 自然保护区 vegetation community types and distribution UAV aerial image Neilingding island Nature Preserve
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