
基于需求侧管理实时电价优化方法综述 被引量:14

A review on real-time electricity price optimization methods based on demand side management
摘要 为改善电力市场供需状况,实现削峰填谷目标,基于需求侧管理的实时定价研究不断深入。鉴于此,对其主要优化方法和最新进展进行综述。首先,总结了实时定价的社会福利最大化模型,明确模型以追求全体用户的效用之和与电能成本之差,即以社会总福利最大化为目标。随后,归纳了求解社会福利最大化模型的几种方法,包括对偶优化方法、交替方向乘子法(ADMM)、KKT系统的非光滑方程组方法,这些方法不仅可以求解优化模型的决策变量(作为用电量),同时还可以求解其拉格朗日乘子,即影子价格(作为电力价格)。接着,介绍实时定价的双层优化模型,在此模型中供电方为领导者,电力用户为追随者,分析了模型基本性质及求解方法。最后,提出了实时电价优化方法近期几个值得关注的研究问题。 In order to improve the supply and demand of power market and realize the purpose of peak shaving and valley filling,the research on real-time pricing based on demand side management is deepening.In view of this,the main optimization methods and the latest progress were reviewed.Firstly,the social welfare maximization models,which aim to maximize the sum of utilities of all customers minus the power cost,in other words,to maximize the total social welfare,were summarized.Then,the methods of solving social welfare maximization models were discussed,which included the dual optimization methods,the alternating direction multiplier methods and the nonsmooth equations methods for KKT system.These methods were used for solving both the decision variables,which were electricity consumptions,and the Lagrange multiplier,which was the shadow price(as electricity price)of the optimization model.Next,the bi-level optimization model for the real-time pricing was introduced,where the power supplier was the leader and the power users were the followers.The basic properties and solution methods of this model were analyzed.Finally,several recent research problems of the optimization method for the real-time electricity pricing were discussed.
作者 高岩 GAO Yan(Business School,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《上海理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期103-111,121,共10页 Journal of University of Shanghai For Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(72071303)。
关键词 需求侧管理 实时定价 社会福利最大化 优化 智能电网 demand side management real-time pricing social welfare maximization optimization smart grid
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