拉萨城市圈是西藏自治区生态环境与城镇化作用突出的区域,近年来已经出现草场退化、土壤沙化等生态环境问题,对该区域生态质量状况的监测迫在眉睫,但目前又缺少对该区域精细尺度的生态质量状况研究。鉴于此,论文利用Google Earth Engine遥感大数据平台的并行计算优势,基于Landsat TM/ETM+卫星影像,通过遥感生态指数(remote sensing ecological index,RSEI)方法监测了拉萨城市圈1994—2017年生态质量的时空变化,深入分析了生态质量变化的气候驱动因子和土地利用转移因子,探索了气候综合驱动的时空分布特征及其变化。结果表明:(1)在1994—2017年期间,拉萨城市圈的生态质量良好,在空间上呈现自西南向东北逐渐降低趋势,生态质量整体有改善趋势,改善比重为45.98%;(2)热度是RSEI的内部主控因素,对RSEI产生负向影响,体现了气候变暖对研究区生态质量的抑制作用;(3)蒸汽压亏缺、气候水分亏缺是生态质量变化的主要气候驱动因子,草地向其他用地的转移是主要的土地利用驱动因子;(4)气候综合驱动在研究期间整体有减弱趋势,分布格局自西南向东北逐渐增强。论文对拉萨城市圈生态质量状况的监测及其驱动力的深入研究,能够为高原生态环境的保护和西藏地区城镇化的健康发展提供科学指引。
The Lhasa urban circle is a prominent area of ecological environment change and urbanization in the Tibet Autonomous Region.In recent years,there have been ecological and environmental problems such as grassland degradation and soil desertification.The monitoring of the ecological quality of the region is urgent,but currently there is a lack of fine-scale monitoring of ecological quality status in the area.In view of this gap,by taking advantage of the parallel computing capacity of the Google Earth Engine remote sensing big data platform and based on Landsat TM/ETM+satellite imagery,this study used the remote sensing ecological index method to monitor the temporal and spatial changes of the ecological quality of the Lhasa urban circle from 1994to 2017,analyzed the climatic and land use transfer factors of ecological quality changes,and explored the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of comprehensive climate driven ecological quality changes.The results show that:(1)During 1994-2017,the ecological quality of the Lhasa urban circle was good,showing a gradual decrease in space from the southwest to the northeast,and the overall ecological quality showed an improving trend,with an improvement proportion of 45.98%.(2)Heat has been the main internal controlling factor of ecological quality changes,which had a negative impact.(3)Vapor pressure deficit and climate water deficit have been the main climatic driving factors of ecological quality changes,and the transfer of grassland has been the main driving factor of land use.(4)Comprehensive climatic driving force has weakened in the past20 years,and the impact has gradually increased from the southwest to the northeast.The in-depth analysis of this study may provide a scientific guidance for the protection of the plateau ecological environment and the healthy development of urbanization in Tibet.
KONG Lingling;FENG Xianfeng;WU Shuang;LIU Zichuan;YAO Xuanchu(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Guangdong Academy of Environmental Sciences,Guangzhou 510045,China)
Progress in Geography