Our country’s"Civil Code"contains a number of estoppel provisions,which are occasionally applied judicially.A theoretical inquiry tells us that the principle of estoppel originated in Roman law,was processed into rules by medieval jurists,and was inherited by English law.In the modern codification movement,some civil codes ignored it,some civil codes stipulated it.It was revived in the legal unification movement at the end of the last century,and its results are reflected in a series of transnational legal documents and some more recent civil codes.When a court applies the estoppel principle,four requirements must be met.First,there should be binding first action.Second,there is a second action that contradicts the first action.Third,there must be a certain time interval between the first action and second action.Fourth,the two acts are carried out by the same subject.The principle of estoppel is different from that of Verwirkung and that of nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans.