
不同固体培养基配方对台湾含笑花粉萌发的影响及台湾含笑杂交亲和性分析 被引量:7

Effects of different solid medium formulas on pollen germination of Michelia compressa and analysis on cross-compatibility of M. compressa
摘要 对不同配方(不同质量浓度蔗糖和硼酸组合及不同质量浓度CaCl 2)固体培养基中含笑属(Michelia Linn.)植物中国台湾含笑〔M.compressa(Maxim.)Sarg.〕的花粉萌发差异进行比较;以花粉萌发率为评价指标,对中国台湾含笑同株异花授粉组、中国台湾含笑异株授粉组、中国台湾含笑×白玉兰〔M.compressa×Yulania denudata(Desr.)D.L.Fu〕组、中国台湾含笑×深山含笑(M.compressa×M.maudiae Dunn)组和中国台湾含笑×阔瓣含笑〔M.compressa×M.cavaleriei var.platypetala(Hand.-Mazz.)N.H.Xia〕组父本的花粉活力进行比较,并对这5个杂交组的杂交亲和性和结实情况进行观察和比较。结果表明:含150 g·L^(-1)蔗糖和100 mg·L^(-1)硼酸的固体培养基中中国台湾含笑的花粉萌发率最高(46.4%),花粉管长度为236.0μm,说明此固体培养基适宜中国台湾含笑花粉萌发;而随着CaCl 2质量浓度升高,中国台湾含笑的花粉萌发率和花粉管长度总体上逐渐降低,说明CaCl 2对中国台湾含笑花粉萌发有一定的抑制作用。5个杂交组父本的花粉活力从高到低依次为同株异花授粉的中国台湾含笑(76.2%)、阔瓣含笑(71.5%)、深山含笑(50.9%)、异株授粉的中国台湾含笑(46.4%)、白玉兰(43.9%)。5个杂交组的花粉均能够在中国台湾含笑柱头上萌发,其中,中国台湾含笑同株异花授粉组和异株授粉组的花粉萌发较早,但花粉管伸长较慢;中国台湾含笑×深山含笑组和中国台湾含笑×阔瓣含笑组的花粉萌发较晚,但花粉管伸长较快;中国台湾含笑×白玉兰组的花粉萌发最晚且花粉管内积累大量胼胝质,阻碍花粉管伸长。5个杂交组中,中国台湾含笑同株异花授粉组和异株授粉组的结实率分别为93.3%和72.2%,种子千粒质量偏低,分别为87.0和101.2 g;中国台湾含笑×深山含笑组和中国台湾含笑×阔瓣含笑组的结实率分别为75.0%和90.3%,种子千粒质量较高,分别为123.2和127.5 g;而中国台湾含笑×白玉兰组不结实。综上所述,中国台湾含笑与同属植物深山含笑和阔瓣含笑的杂交亲和性较高,但与玉兰属(Yulania Spach)白玉兰间存在杂交不亲和的问题。 The differences of pollen germination of Michelia compressa(Maxim.)Sarg.in Michelia Linn.on solid media with different fomulas(combinations of different mass concentrations of sucrose and boric acid,and different mass concentrations of CaCl 2)were compared;taking pollen germination rate as evaluation index,the pollen viabilities of male parents of groups of geitonogamy of M.compressa,xenogamy of M.compressa,M.compressa×Yulania denudata(Desr.)D.L.Fu,M.compressa×M.maudiae Dunn,and M.compressa×M.cavaleriei var.platypetala(Hand.-Mazz.)N.H.Xia were compared,and the cross-compatibility and seed setting status of the five hybrid groups were observed and compared.The results show that the pollen germination rate of M.compressa is the highest(46.4%)on solid medium containing 150 g·L^(-1) sucrose and 100 mg·L^(-1) boric acid with pollen tube length of 236.0μm,indicating that the solid medium is suitable for pollen germination of M.compressa;while with the increase of mass concentration of CaCl 2,the pollen germination rate and pollen tube length of M.compressa decrease gradually in general,indicating that CaCl 2 has some inhibition effects on pollen germination of M.compressa.The pollen viabilities of male parents of five hybrid groups from high to low are in the order of M.compressa for geitonogamy(76.2%),M.cavaleriei var.platypetala(71.5%),M.maudiae(50.9%),M.compressa for xenogamy(46.4%),and Y.denudata(43.9%).The pollens of five hybrid groups can all germinate on stigmas of M.compressa,in which,the pollen germination of groups of geitonogamy and xenogamy of M.compressa are early,but their pollen tubes elongate relatively slow;the pollen germination of groups of M.compressa×M.maudiae and M.compressa×M.cavaleriei var.platypetala are relatively late,but their pollen tubes elongate relatively fast;the pollen germination of group of M.compressa×Y.denudata is the latest and a large amount of callose are deposited in their pollen tubes,which hinders the elongation of pollen tubes.Among the five hybrid groups,the maturing rates of groups of geitonogamy and xenogamy of M.compressa are 93.3%and 72.2%,respectively,and their 1000-grain masses of seeds are relatively low,which are 87.0 and 101.2 g,respectively;the maturing rates of groups of M.compressa×M.maudiae and M.compressa×M.cavaleriei var.platypetala are 75.0%and 90.3%,respectively,and their 1000-grain masses of seeds are relatively high,which are 123.2 and 127.5 g,respectively;while group of M.compressa×Yulania denudata is fruitless.Taken together,M.compressa shows high cross-compatibility with the same genus plants of M.maudiae and M.cavaleriei var.platypetala,but it has a cross incompatible problem with Y.denudata in Yulania Spach.
作者 刘向东 殷云龙 LIU Xiangdong;YIN Yunlong(Institute of Botany,Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
出处 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期49-56,共8页 Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金资助项目〔CX(21)3044〕。
关键词 台湾含笑 含笑属 玉兰属 花粉萌发 结实率 杂交亲和性 Michelia compressa(Maxim.)Sarg. Michelia Linn. Yulania Spach pollen germination maturing rate cross-compatibility
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