

Changes in the Image of East Asia in the Public Perception of Russian People along the Pacific Region in Recent Years(Ⅰ)
摘要 通过俄罗斯科学院远东分院历史考古民族学研究所舆情研究实验室2017—2019年在远东联邦区进行的3次社会调查分析总结。这项调查是针对该地区民众对亚太周边国家认知深度开展的研究活动。研究过程中作者尽可能与全俄其他机构数据进行比较,得出的结论是:俄罗斯沿太平洋地区民众认知中形成的国家及其民众形象具有很大的局限性和矛盾性;俄罗斯及其公民与国外其他国家经济、政治、文化联系在规模、性质和质量上的变化毫无疑问地对东亚形象的构成产生影响,但这一进程发展得颇为缓慢;俄罗斯沿太平洋地区多数民众有意无意地怀有欧式倾向性,但同时也有较为务实的眼光,即对于选择同中国、日本、韩国发展经济关系抱有理解与认同心理,这种务实性也体现在对合作伙伴国的选择上,其中最重要的国家就是中国。 Three social surveys were conducted in the Far East Federal District from 2017 to 2019,involving the Public Opinion Research Laboratory of the Institute of Historical Archaeology and Ethnology in the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.The research activities focus on the local people’public perception on Asia-pacific countries.In the process,the researcher tries to compare the data with those of other institutions in Russia.The conclusions are drawn as the following:the country and its image formed in the public perception of Russian people along the Pacific region have great limitations and contradictions;the composition of east Asia’s image gets undoubtedly affected by the changes in the scale,nature and quality of the economic,political and cultural relations regarding Russia and its citizens with other foreign countries,but the process is developing very slowly;along the Pacific,most Russians have unintentionally European orientation,as well as a more pragmatic perspective,that is,they harbor understanding and identification when choosing to develop economic relations with China,Japan,South Korea;the pragmatic perspective also reflects on the choice of cooperation partners,and one of the most important country is China.
作者 Л.Л.拉琳娜 臧颖(译) Viktor L.Larin;L.L.Laina;Zang Ying(Branch of Far East,Russian Academy of Sciences,Vladivostok 690950,Russia)
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2022年第2期1-3,15,共4页 Journal of Heihe University
关键词 东亚 俄罗斯沿太平洋地区 民众认知 东亚形象 East Asia along the Pacific region in Russia public perception the image of East Asia
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