
医疗纪录片《人间世》的叙事伦理构建 被引量:1

The Construction of Narrative Ethics of the Medical Documentary Human World
摘要 在社会医患矛盾尖锐的当下,医疗纪录片《人间世》凭借高超的叙事技巧与深刻的伦理思考引起了中国受众的广泛关注。《人间世》通过交叉叙事结构来突破预设框架,又在叙事内容中融入了人文温情,满足观众心理的同时也为医患沟通搭建了桥梁。同时该片在伦理表达上利用多重视角来全景呈现真实伦理关系,使用结构变换来保护患者隐私,通过内容升华来使医疗话题直击社会痛点。最终《人间世》在叙事与伦理两者合构中完成了叙事伦理构建。 With the sharp contradiction between doctors and patients in society, the medical documentary Human World has attracted wide attention of Chinese audience by virtue of its superb narrative skills and profound ethical thinking.The film breaks through the preset frame through the cross narrative structure, integrates the humanistic warmth into the narrative content, satisfies the audience’s psychology and builds a bridge for the communication between doctors and patients.At the same time, the film takes multi-perspectives to show the real ethical relationship, uses structural transformation to protect patients’ privacy, and uses content sublimation to make medical topics hit the social pain point directly.In the end, the construction of narrative ethics is completed in the combination of narrative and ethics.
作者 蔡绍硕 CAI Shaosuo(School of Journalism and Communication,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2022年第2期24-29,共6页 Journal of Jining University
关键词 医疗纪录片 《人间世》 叙事策略 伦理构建 medical documentary Human World narrative strategy ethic construction
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