
延安文艺座谈会前后华北抗日根据地的戏剧变革与抗日动员 被引量:1

Drama Transformation and Anti-Japanese Mobilization in North China’s Anti-Japanese Base Areas around Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art
摘要 在全面抗战初期,华北抗日根据地的戏剧发展存在着外行领导外行、知识分子难以融入群众、艺术至上等问题,影响了戏剧运动的开展。直到毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》被确定为党的文艺政策后,才为戏剧的发展提供了明确的导向。华北抗日根据地及时学习《讲话》精神,经过深入地教育、动员,文艺工作者开始“下乡”“入伍”,主动融入工农兵群众,抗战戏剧的内容与形式也开始向通俗化、大众化方向转变。延安文艺座谈会后,华北抗日根据地涌现出了一系列群众喜闻乐见的戏剧作品,使戏剧逐渐融入群众生活,成为唤醒民众、教育民众、战胜敌人的思想武器,对抗日根据地建设与抗日动员起到了推动作用。 At the early stage of the Anti-Japanese War(1937-1945),serious problems existed in the dra⁃ma practice in North China’s Anti-Japanese base areas,which affected the development of the drama movement.These problems include laymen leadership,intellectuals being difficult to integrate into the masses,art being supreme and divorced from reality.Mao Zedong’s Speech at Yan’an Forum on Litera⁃ture and Art was identified by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the party’s lit⁃erary policy,which provided the basic principles for the development of drama.The Anti-Japanese base areas in North China responded to the speech in a timely manner.After in-depth education and mobiliza⁃tion,literary and art workers began to go to the countryside and into the army and actively integrated into the masses of workers,peasants and soldiers.The content and form of the Anti-Japanese War drama be⁃gan to change to popularization.After the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art,the North China’s Anti-Japanese base area created a series of drama works that were popular with the masses,which promoted the development of the drama movement.It gradually integrated the drama into people’s lives,became an ideological weapon to wake up the people,educate the people and defeat the enemy,and played a positive role in the base area construction and Anti-Japanese mobilization.
作者 尹志兵 侯秀华 YIN Zhi-bing;HOU Xiu-hua(Research Center for Sino-Japanese Historical Issues of Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;Shanxi Art Vocational College,Taiyuan 030002,China;Conservatory of Music of Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期108-114,共7页 Hebei Academic Journal
关键词 延安文艺座谈会 华北抗日根据地 抗战戏剧抗日动员 Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art North China’s Anti-Japanese Base Area Anti-Japa⁃nese Drama Anti-Japanese Mobilization
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