

Angle Estimation of Coherent MIMO Radar Under the Condition of Non-uniform Noise
摘要 在多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)雷达系统的角度估计中,混入接收机的噪声通常被假设为均匀的。然而,实际场景下往往是非均匀噪声,使得噪声协方差矩阵是未知的。若直接应用传统的子空间估计算法,如二维多重信号分类(Two-dimensional Multiple Signal Classification,2D-MUSIC)算法,则会导致角度估计性能下降或算法失效,因此需要设计新的算法,用于估计噪声协方差矩阵,以求得噪声子空间。相对于迭代类处理算法而言,非迭代噪声子空间估计算法无需进行迭代计算,从而降低了计算复杂度。基于此,研究和分析了一种适用于非均匀噪声条件下的一维非迭代噪声子空间估计算法,并将其扩展至MIMO雷达二维角度估计。首先通过理论分析验证了该扩展的可行性,其次通过实验验证了其对目标的联合离开角(Direction of Departure,DOD)和到达角(Direction of Arrival,DOA)的估计具有较好的测角性能。 For the problem of angle estimation,the noise in the receiver is usually assumed to be uniform for a multiple input multiple output(MIMO)radar.A non-uniform noise assumption is more realistic.However,The non-uniform noise will result in an unknown noise covariance matrix.If the traditional subspace-based angle estimation methods such as two dimensional multiple signal classification(2D-MUSIC)algorithm is applied directly,the estimation performance will be declined or failed.Therefore,designing new algorithms to estimate the noise covariance matrix and obtain the noise subspace is necessary.Compared with the iterative-based angle estimation algorithms,the non-iterative subspace-based(NIS-based)algorithms can reduce the computational complexity and do not carry out iterative calculation.For this reason,firstly,a one dimensional(1D)NIS-based algorithm under the condition of non-uniform noise is analyzed.Secondly,we extend it to 2D NIS-based angle estimation for the MIMO radar and provide theoretical analysis to verify the feasibility of such an extension.The final simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can obtain the joint direction of departure(DOD)and the direction of arrivals(DOA)of targets and has a good performance in angular accuracy.
作者 唐超尘 仇洪冰 刘鑫 唐清华 TANG Chao-chen;QIU Hong-bing;LIU Xin;TANG Qing-hua(School of Telecommunications Engineering,Xidian University,Xi’an 710071,China;School of Information and Communication,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin,Guangxi 541004,China;School of Information and Communication,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin,Guangxi 541006,China)
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期262-265,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61371107,61961010) 认知无线电与信息处理省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金(CKRL200204) 广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2019KY1061)。
关键词 非均匀噪声 多输入多输出雷达 角度估计 噪声协方差矩阵 噪声子空间 非迭代算法 Non-uniform noise MIMO radar Angle estimation Noise covariance matrix Noise subspace Non-iterative algorithm
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