
2019年榆林市食品化学污染物检测结果分析 被引量:1

Analysis on monitoring results of chemical contaminants in food in Yulin in 2019
摘要 目的 了解榆林市食品中主要化学污染物及有害因素的污染水平和趋势,及时发现食品安全隐患,为监管部门采取有针对性的控制措施提供依据。方法 采用分层随机采样的方法,于2019年在榆林市区范围内农贸市场、商店、超市等场所购买9大类食品样品共267份,采用食品卫生检验相关方法进行食品化学污染物检测,检测数据用Excel 2010软件进行分析整理,按照现行各类食品的相应国家食品安全卫生标准进行评价。结果 2019年榆林市共监测食品样品267份,检出60份,检出率22.56%,其中蜂产品、水果及其制品、动物内脏未检出,合格率100%。其余6类均有检出且检出率从低到高分别为:肉与肉制品、蛋及蛋制品、蔬菜、茶及茶制品、小食品、谷物及其制品,合格样品247份,超标20份,合格率92.51%,超标率7.49%。结论 榆林市辖区食品中化学污染物污染情况总体较好,但部分蔬菜及肉、蛋类食品存在污染隐患,各级监管部门应加强监督和检查力度。 Objective To understand the level and trend of the main chemical pollutants and harmful factors in food in Yulin City so as to find out food safety hazards in time,and provide the basis for the regulatory authorities to take targeted control measures. Methods A stratified random sampling method was used to select a total of 267 samples of 9 categories of food products from farmers’ markets, stores, supermarkets and other places within the urban area of Yulin in 2019.Food hygiene inspection methods were adopted to detect chemical contaminants in food based on the current national food safety and hygiene standards of various kinds of food for evaluation. The test data were analyzed by using Excel 2010 software. Results In 2019, a total of 267 food samples were monitored in Yulin City, and 60 positive samples were detected, with a detection rate of 22.56%. Specifically, bee products, fruits and their products, and animal viscera were not detected, with a qualified rate of 100%. The other 6 categories were detected with positive samples, and the detection rate from low to high were meat and meat products, eggs and egg products, vegetables, tea and tea products, snacks, and cereals and their products. Totally, 247qualified samples were found, and 19 exceeded the standard. The qualified rate was 92.86%, and the exceeded rate was 7.14%. Conclusions The status of chemical contaminants in the food are generally good under Yulin’s jurisdiction. However, some vegetables, meat and eggs have potential pollution hazards, and the regulatory departments at all levels should strengthen supervision and inspection.
作者 李舒 常巧艳 柳彦峰 钟瑞 师欢 郑笑晨 LI Shu;CHANG Qiao-yan;LIU Yan-feng;ZHONG Rui;SHI Huan;ZHENG Xiao-cheng(Yulin Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Yulin 719000,Shaanxi Province,China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2022年第4期563-568,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 食品 化学污染物 食品安全 监测 food chemical contaminants food safety monitoring
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