
从西方多元文化主义的困境看我国“多元一体”思想的优势 被引量:3

On the Advantages of China’s Ethnic Thought of “Diversity in Unity” from the Dilemma of Western Multiculturalism
摘要 21世纪以来,西方国家接连爆发种族冲突和恐怖袭击事件,多元文化主义理论受到学术界的质疑和批判,多个国家的政府首脑公开宣布多元文化主义政策以失败而告终,许多国家转向采取公民整合政策来增强社会凝聚力和国家认同。相比之下,我国坚持和发展中华优秀传统文化中“和而不同”的价值理念,形成了“多元一体”的民族工作思想,辩证地处理“多元”和“一体”的关系,既承认和尊重“多元”,但又不将这种“多元”本质化、固定化,找到了一条中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路。“多元一体”民族思想已经成为中国共产党关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想的重要组成部分,在以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为主线的新时代民族工作实践中,坚持“多元一体”民族思想,是正确把握共同性和差异性、中华民族共同体意识和各民族意识、中华文化和各民族文化三对关系的重要指导原则。研究通过描述多元文化主义由兴盛陷入困境的过程,讨论其中的原因,在比较当中加深对我国“多元一体”民族思想优势的认识。 Since the new century, ethnic conflicts and terrorist attacks have broken out in Western countries. Multiculturalism theory was questioned and criticized by academic circles, the heads of government in various countries declared publicly the failure of multiculturalism policies, and many countries turned to civic integration policies to enhance social cohesion and national identity. In contrast, our country adheres to and develops “harmony in diversity” values embedded in excellent traditional Chinese culture, forms up the “diversity in unity” thought in ethnic work, makes dialectical deal with the relationship between “diversity” and “unity”, recognizes and respect diversity and find the right path to solve ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics. The ethnic thought of “diversity ub unity” has become an important part of our Party’s thought on strengthening and improving ethnic work. In the practice of ethnic work in the new era with solidifying the sense of Chinese national community as the main line, adhering to the national thought of “diversity in unity” is an important guiding principle for correctly obtain the similarities and differences, the sense of the Chinese national community and the consciousness of all ethnic groups, Chinese national culture and all ethnic cultures. This paper describes the process of multiculturalism from prosperity to decline, discusses the reasons behind, and deepens the understanding of “diversity in unity” ethnic thought.
作者 高承海 谭欣 GAO Cheng-hai;TAN Xin(Research Center for Education of Northwest Ethnic M inorities,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070)
机构地区 西北师范大学
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期110-116,共7页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 2020年度国家社科基金一般项目“中小学民族团结教育中的中华文化认同研究”(编号:20BMZ081)的阶段性成果。
关键词 多元一体 多元文化主义 中华民族共同体 diversity in unity multiculturalism Chinese national community
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