

Four Relations for Consideration in Establishing a Correct View ofthe History of the Communist Party of China
摘要 党史观即我们对党史总的看法与根本观点,对我们如何学习体会党史、如何理解认识党史起着管总的作用,在党史学习教育中具有重要位置。党史观是否正确,直接决定着党史学习能否取得预计成效。树立正确党史观,必须始终把握好守正与创新的关系,不能以创新的一面背弃守正的一面,也不能以守正的一面掩盖创新的一面;必须始终把握好主线与细节的关系,不能让主线完全遮蔽应有的细节,更不能将细节放大以变易主线;必须始终把握好进步与代价的关系,始终坚持百年党史中进步远大于代价的基本判断;必须始终把握好历史与现实的关系,不能耽于空谈,隔断历史与现实间的深厚关联。 The view of the history of the Communist Party of China(CPC)is our overall view and fundamental perspective on the history of the Party,which plays a leading role in how we learn and understand the history of the Party and has an important position in Party history learning and education.Whether the view of the history of CPC is correct or not directly determines whether the Party history learning can achieve expected results.To establish a correct view of the history of CPC,we must grasp the relationship between inheritance and innovation,and we can neither abandon the side of inheritance with the side of innovation,nor conceal the side of innovation with the side of inheritance.To establish a correct view of the history of CPC,we must grasp the relationship between thread and detail,and we can neither make the thread completely obscure the necessary detail,nor magnify the detail to change the thread.To establish a correct view of the history of CPC,we must grasp the relationship between progress and cost,and we always adhere to the basic judgment that progress far outweighs cost in the history of the Party in one hundred years.To establish a correct view of the history of CPC,we must grasp the relationship between history and reality,and we cannot indulge in empty talk and cut off the profound connection between history and reality.
作者 罗一鸣 孔庆茵 LUO Yiming;KONG Qingyin(College of Marxism,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331)
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2022年第4期32-39,共8页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
基金 重庆市教委资助项目“《中国近现代史纲要》在线开放课程与‘金课’建设研究”(szkzy2019004)。
关键词 中国共产党 中共党史 党史观 the Communist Party of China History of the CPC the view of the history of the CPC
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