Studio 10创始人周实的“城市的时间维度:城中村的马赛克”,尝试从微观角度出发,通过大量收集城中村建筑立面脱落的马赛克,并将其斑驳外观背后承载的四维信息转化为三维柱状图,进而转译为模型,最后将马赛克的脱落图像、三维柱状图以及打印的实体模型整合在一起形成系列装置,使其背后的时间维度得以再次显现。在2017年深圳城市建筑双年展上,上围村展场设计借鉴文物修复中“金缮”的技术手段,以腻子代替贵金属对原建筑的马赛克立面进行精修填充,形成“时间马赛克壁画”,而脱落的马赛克也被收集并重新利用做成水磨石。
In the speech,“The Time Dimension of the City:Mosaics in Urban Villages,”ZHOU SHI,founder of Studio 10,started the attempt from a microscopic perspective.By collecting a large number of mosaics flaked from the facades of buildings in urban villages and transforming the four-dimensional information hidden in crumbling buildings into three-dimensional bar charts,which then transform into models.After combining the image of flaked mosaics,the three-dimensional bar charts,and the 3D printed model into a series of installations,the time dimension behind the crumbling surface is represented again.In the 2017 Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture exhibition.
ZHOU Shi(Tsinghua University;Harvard Graduate School of Design;Studio 10)
World Architecture Review