
广西地区医学生与非医学生对智齿认知度的调查 被引量:1

Investigation on the Recognition of Wisdom Teeth between Medical and Non-Medical Students in Guangxi
摘要 目的:了解广西地区医学生和非医学生对智齿的认知度,旨在为大学生的智齿知识宣教提供理论依据。方法:通过简单随机抽样和配额抽样对广西地区5所医学高校、5所非医学高校共1000名大学生进行智齿认知度的问卷调查。结果:总体上大学生对智齿的基本认知情况良好,女生对智齿的认知情况略高于男生,医学生高于非医学生。87.5%的大学生知道智齿的生长是正常生理现象,其中女生的正确率为88.3%,男生的正确率为86.3%,女生高于男生;医学生正确率为92.4%,非医学生正确率为82.6%,医学生高于非医学生。对智齿知识的掌握情况,高年级优于低年级,医学生高于非医学生,差异有统计学意义(P=0.00<0.01)。在智齿拔除术焦虑方面,学生普遍存在智齿拔除术焦虑,女生高于男生,非医学生高于医学生,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.00<0.01)。结论:广西地区学生对智齿认知度良好,但医学生与非医学生的认知存在差异,并且普遍存在智齿拔除术焦虑,各专业高校应重视大学生的口腔健康问题,有针对性地进行大学生智齿知识普及。 Objective: To understand the recognition of wisdom teeth among medical students and non-medical students in Guangxi, in order to provide theoretical basis for targeted education of wisdom teeth knowledge to college students. Methods: Through simple random sampling and quota sampling, 1000 college students from 5 medical colleges and 5 non-medical colleges and universities in Guangxi were investigated by questionnaire. Results: The survey shows that on the whole, college students’ basic cognition of wisdom teeth is good, girls’ cognition of wisdom teeth is slightly higher than boys, and medical students are higher than non-medical students. 87.5% of college students knew that the growth of wisdom teeth was a normal physiological phenomenon. The correct rate of girls was 88.3%, and that of boys was 86.3%, girls were higher than boys;the correct rate of medical students was 92.4% and that of non-medical students was 82.6%,which was higher than that of non-medical students. For the mastery of wisdom teeth knowledge, the senior students were better than the junior students, and the medical students were higher than the non-medical students, the difference was statistically significant(P=0.00<0.01). Wisdom tooth extraction anxiety is common among students. Girls are higher than boys, non-medical students are higher than medical students, and the difference is statistically significant(P= 0.00<0.01). Conclusion: Students in Guangxi have a good awareness of wisdom teeth, but there are differences in cognition between medical students and non-medical students, and there is widespread anxiety about wisdom tooth extraction. Colleges and universities should pay attention to college students’ oral health problems and popularize college students’ wisdom teeth knowledge.
机构地区 广西医科大学
出处 《大众科技》 2022年第3期67-71,共5页 Popular Science & Technology
基金 广西医科大学“未来学术之星”大学生课外科研课题。
关键词 医学生 非医学生 智齿 认知度 口腔健康 medical students non-medical students wisdom teeth recognition oral health
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