

An Examination of the Authenticity of Historical Materials—Qian Xuantong’s Discussion on Jinwen Jing and Guwen Jing in His Later Years
摘要 钱玄同在1931年相继发表《左氏春秋考证书后》和《重论经今古文学问题》,从审查史料的角度,考证今古文经的真伪。这是钱玄同五四后经学研究工作的继续,也是对钱穆《刘向歆父子年谱》的回应。钱玄同晚年考证今古文经真伪,仍以他在五四时期所倡导疑古精神为指导,论说取证颇具新意。在对今文经的考证上,钱主张以超今文的历史家的立场对今文经进行考证,并做了相应的工作。但在对古文经真伪的认识上,钱玄同则基本上接受了从刘逢禄到康有为、崔适等人的考证结果。在对今古文问题的认识上,与钱穆一样,钱玄同也突破了廖平"平分今古"的观点,但与钱穆的否定刘歆伪造古文经说不同,钱仍坚持刘歆伪造古文经的观点。 Qian Xuantong examined the authenticity of jinwen Jing and Guwen Jing(confucian classics)from the perspective of historical materials in"A Commentary on the Textual Criticism of the Spring and Autumn Annals by Zuo(Zuoshi Chunqiu Kaozheng ShuHou)"and"Re-discussionon the Issue of the Study of Jinwen Ting and Guwen Jing(Chonglun JingJinGuWenXue WenTi)"published successively in 1931.That is the continuation of Qian Xuantong’s work on the study of confucian classics after May Fourth,and also a response to Qian Mu’s"The Biographies of Liu Xiang and Liu Xin".In his later years,Qian Xuantong’s research of the authenticity of Jinwen Jing and Guwen Jing was still guided by the skeptical approach towards ancient history he advocated during the May Fourth period,and his arguments were quite innovative.In the examination of Jinwen Jing,Qian Xuantong advocated to take the position of historians instead of Jinwen Jing and worked accordingly.However,to the issue of authenticity of Guwen Jing,Qian Xuantong basically accepted the research findings of Liu Fenglu,Kang Youwei and Cui Zhifu.Like Qian Mu,Qian Xuantong also broke through Liao Ping’s concept that Jinwen Jing and Guwen Jing are two different schools and have their own systems respectively.But unlike Qian Mu’s denial of Liu Xin’s falsifying Guwen Jing,Qian Xuantong still adheare to the viewpoint that Guwen Jing was falsified by Liu Xin.
作者 刘贵福 Liu Guifu
出处 《近代史学刊》 2021年第2期285-300,334,335,共18页 Journal of Modern Chinese History
基金 国家社科基金项目“钱玄同与民国学术”(项目号:14AZS010)的阶段性成果。
关键词 钱玄同 史料 今古文经 Qian Xuantong Historical Materials Jinwen Jing and Guwen Jing
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