

The Establishment of a Model of Trial Rhythmic Poetry by Poets in the Pavilion of the Qianlong Dynasty: A Case Study of Poems of the Pavilion of the Dynasty
摘要 《本朝馆阁诗》是乾隆二十二年科举恢复试诗后,最早选本朝诗作为应试之用的总集。以《本朝馆阁诗》为例,乾隆朝馆阁诗人通过编选行为确立的试律诗典范主要体现在三个方面:一是以“性灵”提升诗格,确立了“性灵”与“法律”皆备的美学典范,由此涵纳“山林”文学,普化庙堂之音;二是重申“温柔敦厚”诗教,限制感情表达向度,通过科举效力强化正风正雅,引导学子养成敦厚持重的理想人格;三是从诗的技术层面提供可供模拟的典范,要求语言上呈现出“澹朴清真,庄重典雅”的美学风格,结构上做到“气局严整,属对雅切”,同时还要有严谨无误的韵律格式。 Poems of the Pavilion of the Dynasty is the earliest collection of poems from this dynasty selected for the examination after the restoration of the imperial examination in the 22nd year of Qianlong’s reign. Taking Guange Poems of the Dynasty as an example, it expounds that the model of trial rhythm poetry established by the poets of the Guange in the Qianlong Dynasty through compilation and selection is mainly reflected in three aspects:Firstly, to enhance the style of poetry with “spirit” and establish an aesthetic model with both “spirit” and “law”, thus incorporating “mountain and forest” literature and popularizing the sound of temples. Secondly, reiterate the “gentle and honest” poetry teaching, limit the direction of emotional expression, strengthen uprightness and elegance through the effectiveness of the imperial examination, and guide students to develop an honest and prudent ideal personality. Thirdly, provide a model for simulation from the technical level of poetry. It is required to present an aesthetic style of “simple and innocent, solemn and elegant” in language, and in structure to require “neatness and strictness”, and also has a rigorous and unmistakable prosody format.
作者 任婕 REN Jie(College of Humanities,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《铜仁学院学报》 2022年第2期9-16,共8页 Journal of Tongren University
关键词 《本朝馆阁诗》 试律诗 科举试诗 典范 Poems of the Pavilion of the Dynasty test poems imperial examination poems model
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