
铸牢中华民族共同体意识亟待多学科共创理论话语体系 被引量:23

Forging a Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation Needs Multi-Disciplinary Cooperation in Constructing a Theoretical System of Discourse
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识的理论话语构建工作是整个中国哲学社会科学的重大使命之一,其中民族学、历史学、政治学、心理学、社会学等学科的基础性作用尤为显著。概而言之,民族学承担着论证中华民族共同体是实体民族的使命;历史学承担着将中华民族共同体意识上升为历史观的使命;政治学承担着彰显中华民族共同体国族属性的使命;心理学承担着打牢中华民族共同体意识心理基础的使命;社会学承担着以社会路径铸牢中华民族共同体意识的使命。众多学科在共创铸牢中华民族共同体意识理论话语体系过程中,必须坚持各尽所长与交叉论证相结合、理论建构与实证支撑相配合的基本原则。铸牢中华民族共同体意识的理论话语亟需社会科学各门学科的滋养与孕育,唯有如此才能使其具备更加坚实的理论基础和更加强大的话语感召。 As a brand-new thesis proposal,the construction of a theory of discourse about forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation cannot be undertaken by a single discipline.We will suffer from limited theoretical perspectives,research methods,basuc standpoint,and from academic biases if we try to understand the forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation only within a single discipline.Under the guidance of Marxism,the theoretical discourse on forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation urgently needs increased input and inspiration from various social sciences;only in this way can it have a stronger theoretical foundation and a greater discourse appeal.For instance,ethnology answers the question of“why is China a national community?”and tries to provide theoretical support for the idea of a Chinese national community.History answers the question“where does the Chinese national community come from?,”trying to provide a historical background for the Chinese national community.Political science answers the question“Why should we build the Chinese national community,”attempting to clarify what s the value of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.Psychology answers the question of“what is the sense of the Chinese national community”,trying to explain the psychological process of creating a sense of community for the Chinese nation.Sociology answers the question of“how to construct a sense of Chinese national community”,trying to probe into the social foundations of building awareness of Chinese national communal identity.In the process of co-creating a theoretical discourse system on forging a sense of Chinese national community from the perspective of multiple disciplines,the following basic principles should be adhered to:(1)the principle of Marxism is our guide.Co-creating a multi-disciplinary theory of discourse on forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation must stay within the bounds of Marxism,which is related to the direction and road of ethnic work in the new era;(2)the principle of combining efforts and strengths together with mutual cross-examination.The differences of the various disciplines in understanding the Chinese national community should be actively made clear through interdisciplinary dialogue so as to effectively resolve possible tensions in academic discourse;and(3)the principle of complementarity between theoretical construction and empirical evidence.In the process of creating a cross-disciplinary theoretical discourse system on the community spirit of the Chinese nation,on the one hand,it is necessary to focus on having a genuine fact-based logical discussion,on the other hand,it is necessary to adopt empirical research methods befitting modern social sciences,extensively collect quantitative and qualitative materials,and actively promote case studies and comparative studies,so that the theoretical system of discourse on the Chinese national community has a stronger empirical basis.
作者 郝亚明 Hao Yaming(Research Institute of Chinese National Community,Guizhou Minzu University,Guiyang,550025,Guizhou,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期10-15,116,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“打牢中华民族共同体思想基础制度安排与路径设计研究”(20AZD026)阶段性成果。
关键词 中华民族共同体意识 理论话语体系 多学科 a sense of community for the Chinese nation theoretical discourse system multiple disciplines
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