
短视频广告对少数民族地区的传播与影响——基于理塘的调查 被引量:3

The Communication and Influence of Short Video Advertising in Ethnic Minority Areas:Based on an Investigation of Litang
摘要 作为媒介技术进步的产物,短视频广告以传播文本碎片化、传播主体多元化、传播渠道社交化为主要特征。以丁真和丁真的理塘为主题的系列短视频广告,以青春、诗意为审美焦点的叙事,极大地迎合了城市青年群体的审美期待,以传统媒体和新媒体深度融合的传播方式,在这些短视频广告传播过程中有力地实现了价值引导。丁真和丁真的理塘成为互联网空间的流量赢家,是政府职能部门、主流媒体和媒体平台、自媒体和广大网民形成传播合力的必然。在媒介新生态的当下,短视频广告完全可以成为少数民族地区对外交流、对外沟通更具韧性、更具汇聚性、更具建构性的媒介纽带。 As one of the vital contents and forms of Internet advertising,short video advertising is favored by advertisers,advertisement agencies,and advertisement audiences because it displays text,image,and sound at the same time,as well as strong interaction,high spreading speed,and active participation.Short video advertising is a fruit of mobile Internet technology s rapid development and is different from conventional video advertising or film advertising.As a video text,the“shortness”of the short video is reflected in its duration.Tracing the development process of video text from“micro-video”to“short video”on Internet platforms,we can see the development process of digital communication technology.In short,the emergence of short video is mainly the result of the adaptation of video text to mobile Internet.On November 11,2020,Ding Zhen,a 20-year-old Tibetan from Litang County,made an unforgettable impression on netizens with his handsome face,tanned skin,clear eyes,and shy smile using a short video of fewer than 10 seconds.Over the next 18 days,the short video received over 10 billion views.As a result,Ding Zhen-and his hometown Litang-have become the center of attention from foreign netizens.A series of short video advertising showcasing Ding Zhen and Ding Zhen s Litang has brought influence to Ding Zhen and Litang as well.Behind the“influence”,Ding Zhen and his Litang mutually have built a brand leading to lots of Internet traffic:Ding Zhen has become a publicity brand on the Internet because of his regional ethnic symbols,while Litang has become a regional brand on the Internet due to Ding Zhen.Firstly,the series of short video advertising with the theme of Ding Zhen and Ding Zhen s Litang has driven the development of the tourism industry in Litang and even Ganzi;the advertising itself has become the present text building Litang s brand.The fact that Ding Zhen and Ding Zhen s Litang have become online traffic champions is an inevitable result of the joining of forces by government functional departments,mainstream media,media content platforms,self-media,and the majority of Internet users.Secondly,the series of short video advertising with the theme of Ding Zhen and Ding Zhen s Litang has become the best text to show the success of poverty alleviation in Tibetan areas.The short video series has broken the general stereotype that cultural tourism in Tibetan is primitive,homogeneous,and lacking creativity.It also has enabled cultural tourism-that in the past grew naturally-to realize an orderly development,orderly management,and orderly service.In addition,the short video series has led to the growth of cultural tourism in Litang and has effectively upgraded local cultural tourism and poverty alleviation.Finally,the series of short video advertising focused on Ding Zhen and Ding Zhen s Litang,from the perspective of effect,has become the best way to build a local image and even a national image in the new media era.The series of short video advertising shows the good ecological condition and rural natural scenery of Litang to the Chinese mainland and the whole country;it reveals China s beautiful sustainable environment,distinctive local customs,and charming ethnic culture to the world.
作者 唐英 黄娟 蒲爱民 Tang Ying;Huang Juan;Pu Aimin(Sichuan Film and Television University,Chengdu,611331,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期79-85,126,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 四川省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地2020年综合研究项目“新型本科院校创新型应用人才培养质量保障机制研究”(XJYX2020B06) 四川省教育发展研究中心2020年一般项目“地方高校服务区域经济社会发展实现路径研究”(CJF20014) 四川省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地——新建院校改革与发展研究中心2019年重点项目:“‘双一流’背景下新建本科高校整体转型发展实证研究”(XJYX2019A01)阶段性成果。
关键词 短视频广告 新媒体 丁真 丁真的理塘 short video advertising new media Ding Zhen Ding Zhen's Litang
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