
新时代民族地区“学前学会普通话”行动的多元路径研究——以凉山彝族自治州Z县、攀枝花市Y县为例 被引量:5

A Study of a Diversified Action Plan on the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”in Ethnic Minority Areas in the New Era:Taking Z County of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Y County of Panzhihua as Case Studies
摘要 民族地区推广普及国家通用语言文字是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的有效手段,缘起于四川省的“学前学会普通话”行动作为民族地区普及推广国家通用语言文字的创新手段取得了积极成效。研究基于凉山州Z县、攀枝花市Y县的调查,提出影响“学前学会普通话”行动的主要因素语言环境和学校教育,从积极开展引导形成“嵌入式”语言环境、稳定学校师资建设以及开发地方性知识教材的多维视角探讨新时代民族地区“学前学会普通话”行动的多元路径,为其他民族地区开展该行动提供宝贵的经验。因此“学前学会普通话”行动是保证我国少数民族学前儿童日后成功融入社会,公平公正的参与社会就业等方面的前提条件,有利于促进各民族广泛交往交流交融,不断夯实铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实践基础。 Based on an investigation of Z county of Liangshan and Y County of Panzhihua,this paper tries to discuss theoretical and practical perplexities in the implementation of“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”in ethnic regions.Following the main principles of the Constitution and the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy,this study attempts to explore multiple conceivable ways to effectively implement this action plan in ethnic minority areas in the new era.As a result,this paper hopes to provide valuable experience for the popularization of the standard spoken and written Chinese language in ethnic minority areas.By focusing on language environment and school education,this paper strives to scholarly reflect on a reasonable path for“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”in ethnic minority areas in the new era.It proposes the following suggestions:1)Actively create an“embedded”language environment,and continue to consolidate the practical effects of the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”;2)Adopt diversified styles of running schools and formulate new plans for preschool education in ethnic rural areas;3)Stabilize teaching faculty using the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”while also developing reading books and teaching materials with local characteristics.We find that the popularization of standard spoken and written Chinese and the development of preschool education in ethnic territories is a talent discovery strategy and intellectual guarantee for realizing a synchronous or common prosperity of ethnic people areas and developed areas alike in China.This arguably can narrow the economic gap between the ethnic areas and more developed ones in China.We therefore should grasp the intersection between commonality and difference,and reflect on how the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”actually functions in real-life ethnic minority settings in the new era from multiple perspectives.We expect this to help us provide a referential experience model for all ethnic minority areas in implementing the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”.In short,we think carrying out the“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”is the premise to ensure that ethnic peoples children in China successfully integrate into society,and participate fairly and equitably in social employment in the future.It will conceivably help to promote exchange,communication,and integration among ethnic groups,and constantly consolidate the empirical foundation for forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.
作者 陈永亮 张立辉 邱金华 Chen Yongliang;Zhang Lihui;Qiu Jinhua(School of History and Culture,Southwest University,Chongqing,400715;School of Ethnology and Sociology,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期99-105,134,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 中央高校基本业务重点项目“乡村振兴视域下新时代西南民族地区移风易俗路径创新研究”(SWU2109235) 四川省教育体制机制改革试点项目(G16-01) 国家民委人文社科重点研究基地西南民族大学铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究中心2020年度项目(20GTYBC03)的阶段性成果。
关键词 民族地区 国家通用语言文字 “学前学会普通话”行动 ethnic minority areas standard spoken and written Chinese language the action of“Learning Standard Chinese for Pre-Primary School Education”
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