
风云三号黎明星太阳辐照度光谱仪系统噪声与稳定性分析 被引量:2

Noise and stability analysis of Fengyun-3E solar spectral irradiance monitor
摘要 介绍了搭载在风云三号黎明星上的太阳辐照度光谱仪系统,并对光谱仪可见光通道探测器中的光电倍增管和放大电路产生的噪声进行定量分析。研究表明,在无光照情况下,系统以光电倍增管暗噪声为主;在有光照条件下,系统以阳极散粒噪声为主。基于对噪声的分析,进行地面稳定性试验。采用太阳辐照度光谱仪初样测量丽江2021年10月份的太阳光谱辐照度数据,并根据响应度进行稳定性分析,发现太阳辐照度光谱仪系统整机可见光通道日不确定度低于0.2%,月不确定度不超过3%,满足数据测量要求。 The solar spectral irradiance monitor system onboard Fengyun-3 E is introduced, the noise generated by the photomultiplier tube and the amplifier circuit in the visible channel detector of the spectrometer is quantitatively analyzed. It is shown that the system is dominated by the dark noise of the photomultiplier tube in the absence of illumination and by the anode scattering noise in the presence of illumination. Based on the analysis of the noise, a ground stability test was conducted. The solar irradiance spectrometer initial sample was used to measure the solar spectral irradiance data in Lijiang in October 2021, and stability analysis was conducted based on the response. It was found that the daily uncertainty of the whole visible channel of the Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor system was less than 0.2% and the monthly uncertainty was not more than 3%, which satisfied the data measurement requirements.
作者 雷宽 李乐 黄煜 李占峰 杨小虎 王彪 LEI Kuan;LI Yue;HUANG Yu;LI Zhanfeng;YANG Xiaohu;WANG Biao(Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期17-22,共6页 Laser Journal
基金 吉林省重点科技研发项目资助(No.20210204110YY)。
关键词 光电倍增管 太阳光谱辐照度 稳定性 不确定度 photomultiplier tube solar spectrum irradiance stability uncertainty
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