
“梅斯蒂索”共同体的锻造——墨西哥“民族一体化”政策文化整合效果分析 被引量:2

The Building of a Mestizo Community:Mexico*s National Integration Policy and Cultural Assimilation of the Indians
摘要 1910年墨西哥革命之后,政治精英不再将印第安人视为“退化”的民族,而认为他们可以被“改造”和实现进步。墨西哥通过“民族一体化”政策,着力在文化上整合印第安人,塑造以“混血”为特征且具有同质性的“梅斯蒂索文化”。在历史记忆上,墨西哥政府“挪用”阿兹特克文明,将之与现代墨西哥历史嫁接,凸显其历史的连续性、独特性和印第安属性;文化上,大力在印第安社区推进混血文化,普及西班牙语,使印第安人放弃传统文化与认同,融入现代文明。这些举措缔造了作为主体的梅斯蒂索文化,但也存在明显的民族同化倾向。20世纪70年代后,随着多元文化主义的兴起,墨西哥逐渐承认了印第安人的族群地位和文化权利,其族群关系趋向缓和。 After the 1910 Revolution, Mexican political elites no longer viewed the Indians as the “degraded” people, but one that could be “transformed” and improved. Through the National Integration Policy, Mexico made great efforts to create a Mestizo culture characterized by “mixed blood” and homogeneity to assimilate the Indians culturally. In terms of historical memory, it “appropriated” the Aztec civilization and grafted it to modern Mexican history in order to highlight the continuity, uniqueness and Indian nature of Mexican history. In terms of culture, it strove to promote a mixed culture and popularize Spanish language in Indian communities in order to make the Indians give up their traditional culture and identity, and integrate them into the modern civilization. Although these measures had successfully created the Mestizo culture as the mainstay for the Indians, they had a strong tendency of national assimilation. After the 1970 s, with the rise of multiculturalism, Mexico has gradually recognized the ethnic status and cultural rights of the Indians as a group, hence easing the ethnic tensions in the country.
作者 卢玲玲 Lingling Lu
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期112-123,共12页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“墨西哥毒品问题的历史考察(1940—2012)”(17CSS020)的阶段性成果。
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