
费托轻组分蜡加氢异构催化剂的制备与性能评价 被引量:1

Preparation and performance evaluation of Fischer-Tropsch light wax hydroisomerization catalysts
摘要 以Pt为活性金属、一维十元环分子筛为载体制备了Pt/ZSM-22和Pt/SAPO-11两种加氢异构催化剂,采用XRD、NH_(3)-TPD和N_(2)吸附-脱附手段表征催化剂的孔结构和酸性质,并以费托轻组分蜡为原料,利用固定床反应器对催化剂的加氢异构性能进行评价。结果表明,催化剂活性和选择性主要取决于催化剂的孔结构和酸性质,在达到相同润滑油基础油得率时,催化剂Pt/ZSM-22的反应温度较Pt/SAPO-11低近20℃,异构化率较Pt/SAPO-11高5个百分点,即费托轻组分蜡加氢异构催化剂活性Pt/ZSM-22>Pt/SAPO-11;在相同的反应条件下,所开发的加氢异构催化剂比现有市售催化剂具有更好的催化活性,所得润滑油基础油的得率和异构化率更高,各项性能满足国内对HVIⅢ类基础油的基本指标要求。 Pt/ZSM-22 and Pt/SAPO-11 hydroisomerization catalysts were prepared using Pt as the active metal and one-dimensional ten-membered ring molecular sieve as the carrier.XRD,NH_(3)-TPD and N_(2) adsorption-desorption were used to characterize the pore structure and acidity of the catalysts.Using Fischer-Tropsch light wax as the feed,the hydroisomerization performance of Pt/ZSM-22 and Pt/SAPO-11 catalyst was tested in a fixed bed reactor.The results showed that the activity and selectivity of the catalyst mainly depend on the pore structure and acidity of the catalyst.For attaining the same yield of lubricating base oil,the reaction temperature over the Pt/ZSM-22 catalyst is nearly 20℃lower than that over the Pt/SAPO-11 catalyst,and the isomerization conversion is 5%higher than that over the Pt/SAPO-11 catalyst,indicating that is,the activity of Pt/ZSM-22 for Fischer-Tropsch light wax hydroisomerization is superior to that of Pt/SAPO-11.Under the same reaction condition,the as-developed hydroisomerization catalyst exhibits higher catalytic activity than commercially available catalysts,with higher yield of lubricating base oil and isomerization conversion,and meeting the domestic basic index requirements for HVI Ⅲ base oil.
作者 张芳 吕宏安 卞雯 袁岚 吴鹏 何观伟 Zhang Fang;Lü Hong’an;Bian Wen;Yuan Lan;Wu Peng;He Guanwei(The Northwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China)
出处 《工业催化》 CAS 2022年第2期58-62,共5页 Industrial Catalysis
基金 陕西省重点研发计划重点项目(2018ZDXM-GY-163) 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划(2015KTZDGY05-05)。
关键词 石油化学工程 费托轻组分蜡 Pt/ZSM-22催化剂 Pt/SAPO-11催化剂 加氢异构 petrochemical engineering Fischer-Tropsch light wax Pt/ZSM-22 catalyst Pt/SAPO-11 catalyst hydroisomerization
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