
家庭人口禀赋对城乡夫妻抚幼投入与分工的影响——基于西部县域调查数据的分析 被引量:3

Impacts of Household Population Endowment on Childcare Devotion and Labor Division:An Analysis Based on Data from a Western County
摘要 为应对人口老龄化与低生育率,国家提倡一对夫妻可以生育三个子女并将婚嫁、生育、养育、教育一体考虑,因此完善家庭抚幼功能迫在眉睫。本文基于2021年陕西N县城乡家庭专项调查数据,运用多元线性回归分析与多分类回归分析等方法,分析西部典型农业县中家庭人口禀赋对夫妻抚幼投入与分工的影响。研究发现城乡女性在家庭抚幼中依然占据绝对主导地位,男性参与度较差,农村男性尤甚;伴随家庭抚幼负担加重,仅妻子的抚幼投入增加,“父职”缺位明显;祖辈健康状况越好,对家庭抚幼的帮助效应越显著;作为家庭的刚性需求,抚幼功能表现出较强的稳定性,家庭养老负担的增加并未对家庭抚幼产生挤占效应;县外流动的打工经历明显削弱了夫妻的抚幼投入。研究揭示了西部县域家庭抚幼功能发挥面临的诸多阻力,为进一步发挥与完善西部县域家庭功能,须持续关注家庭内部两性分工的科学性与平等性,促进教育体系改革,提升西部地区男性受教育程度,强化其个体资源与家庭责任意识,促进就地城镇化,避免远距离流动带来的家庭离散,保障西部地区家庭抚幼功能与儿童成长权益。 To cope with the aging population and low fertility rate,the state advocates that“a couple can have three children”and“consider marriage,childbirth,parenting,and education as a whole”,and it is im‐minent to improve the family’s child-raising function.Using the data of a household survey conducted in N county of Shaanxi in 2021 and multiple linear regression analysis and multi-class regression analysis and other methods,the paper focuses on the impacts of household population endowment on childcare devotion and labor division.It found that women are still the main caregivers,men,especially rural men are much less involved in childcare.With the burden of childcare increasing,women’s devotion to childcare signifi‐cantly increases,the absence of the father is obvious.The better the grandparents’health,the stronger the childcare support from grandparents.Household childcare,as a rigid demand,is generally fulfilled well since the increase of old-age support burden does not have a crowding-out effect on childcare.The migrant work experience outside the county has weakened the couple’s investment in childcare.The paper reveals the many resistances to the childcare function of families in western counties.To further ensure the func‐tioning and improvement of family functions in western counties,we must continue to pay attention to the scientific and equal division of labor between the sexes within the family,promote the reform of the educa‐tion system,improve the educational level of men in the western region,strengthen their awareness of indi‐vidual resources and family responsibilities,and at the same time,promote urban and rural areas.Further rationally allocate resources,advocate local urbanization,avoid family separation caused by long-distance migration,and ensure that families in the western region can play their childcare function and children’s growth rights.
作者 段朱清 靳小怡 杜巍 DUAN Zhuqing;JIN Xiaoyi;DU Wei(School of Public Policy and Administration,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an Shaanxi,710049,China)
出处 《人口学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期31-45,共15页 Population Journal
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:乡村振兴战略背景下农村居民家庭可持续生计(19ARK005)。
关键词 家庭人口禀赋 抚幼投入 抚幼分工 城乡差异 Household Population Endowment Childcare Devotion Labor Division of Childcare Rural urban Difference
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