
镧铁负载给水厂污泥复合材料对水中磷酸盐的吸附性能及机理 被引量:1

Performance and mechanism of phosphorus adsorption by lanthanum/iron-loaded drinking water treatment residues
摘要 采用沉淀法制备了镧铁负载给水厂污泥(DWTR)复合材料(LaFe-DWTR),对其微观形貌和理化性质进行了表征,考察了LaFe-DWTR对水中PO_(4)^(3-)-P的吸附等温线和吸附动力学,探讨了吸附剂投加量、pH和共存离子对PO_(4)^(3-)-P吸附效果的影响,并揭示了可能的吸附机理。结果表明:相比DWTR,镧和铁负载的DWTR比表面积和孔体积明显增加;当LaFe-DWTR投加量为2.0 g·L^(−1),PO_(4)^(3-)-P初始质量浓度为50 mg·L^(−1)时,LaFe-DWTR对的吸附等温线符合Sips模型,吸附动力学符合准二级动力学模型,说明吸附过程主要受化学吸附和颗粒内扩散控制;LaFe-DWTR在pH 2.0~11.0内对PO_(4)^(3-)-P的去除率均在90%以上,共存离子对LaFe-DWTR吸附的影响较小;LaFe-DWTR吸附的主要机理是配体交换。 In this study,a precipitation method was used to prepare lanthanum/iron-loaded drinking water treatment residues(LaFe-DWTR)composite material.Its micro-morphology and physicochemical properties were characterized,and the adsorption isotherms and kinetics of LaFe-DWTR towards PO_(4)^(3-)-P in water,as well as the effects of dosage,pH and coexisting ions on PO_(4)^(3-)-P adsorption effect,were investigated.Furthermore,the corresponding adsorption mechanism between LaFe-DWTR and was identified.The results showed that lanthanum/iron loading led to a significant increase of the specific surface area and pore volume of DWTR.At LaFe-DWTR dosage of 2.0 g·L^(−1) and initial concentration of 50 mg·L^(−1),the adsorption isotherm and kinetics could be well fitted by sips model and pseudo-second-order kinetic model,respectively.The adsorption process was mainly dominated by chemical adsorption and intra-particle diffusion.At pH 2.0~11.0,over 90% PO_(4)^(3-)-P in water could be removed by LaFe-DWTR.The coexisting ions had slight effect on adsorption.Ligand exchange was the main adsorption mechanism between LaFe-DWTR and PO_(4)^(3-)-P.
作者 刘文芬 王毅力 刘晨阳 李小林 仝瑶 周妍卿 LIU Wenfen;WANG Yili;LIU Chenyang;LI Xiaolin;TONG Yao;ZHOU Yanqing(College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Beijing Key Lab for Source Control Technology of Water Pollution,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;China ENFI Engineering Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期846-856,共11页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 北京市科技计划课题项目(Z181100005518007) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0505303)。
关键词 镧铁负载 给水厂污泥 吸附 配体交换 lanthanum/iron loading drinking water treatment residues adsorption phosphorus ligand exchange
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