
中国特色社会主义自信的三维阐释 被引量:1

A Three Dimensional Interpretation of the Confidence in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 当前中国特色社会主义日益展现出强大的发展效能和发展优势,人们对其自信不断增强。认识和把握这一中国特色社会主义自信,并在此基础上深化推进中国特色社会主义建设的理论与实践探索,需要从生成机理、内涵价值和实践意蕴三重维度着手。中国特色社会主义自信的生成机理在于马克思主义的科学性真理性、中国共产党人对社会主义事业的接续发展、改革开放40多年取得的显著成就以及中国共产党先进性纯洁性品行的相互作用和内在融合。中国特色社会主义自信以基于中国共产党政党自信为前提的道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信为内涵价值,其从历史与现实、理论与实践、中国与世界相结合上深化探索和回答了如何实现本国人民对美好生活的追求和推进世界各国人民共同发展进步。进入新时代历史方位,还要着眼不同的自信层面尤其是对政党自信的坚定来深刻把握中国特色社会主义自信的实践意蕴,并在此指引下开辟新时代中国特色社会主义事业新征程、新境界,深化推进中华民族伟大复兴中国梦这一第二个百年奋斗目标的实现。 At present,the socialism with Chinese characteristics is increasingly showing strong efficiency and development advantages,and people’s confidence in it is increasing.To understand and grasp the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and deepen the theoretical and practical exploration of promoting the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics on this basis,we need to start from the three dimensions of formation logic,connotation value and practical implication.The formation logic of the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics lies in the interaction with the scientific and truthful nature of the Marx doctrine,the continuous development of socialist cause promoted by the CPC,the remarkable achievements made in China’s reform and opening up in the past 40 years,and the CPC’s moral behaviour of advancing and purifying nature.The confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics takes the road confidence,theory confidence,institution confidence and culture confidence as connotative value,which is based on the Party confidence of the CPC.It deepens the exploration and answer of how to realize the pursuit of a better life by its people and promote the common development and progress of people all over the world from the combination of history and reality,theory and practice,and China and the world.In the historical orientation of the new era,we should also focus on different levels of confidence,especially the firm Party confidence,to deeply grasp the practical meaning of the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics.Under this guidance,we will open up a new journey and new realm for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era,and deepen the realization of the second centennial goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream.
作者 刘涛 LIU Tao(School of Marxism,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330013;Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory System with Chinese Characteristics in Jiangxi Province,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330077)
出处 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2022年第3期33-42,共10页 Changbai Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国共产党权力治理的逻辑图谱研究”(20BKS026)。
关键词 中国特色社会主义自信 马克思主义 政党自信 党的领导 Confidence in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Marxism Party Confidence Party Leadership
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