【目的】预测研究2060年前我国的森林生物量碳库及碳汇潜力,以期为制定减排增汇政策提供重要依据,为我国获取必要的CO_(2)排放空间和参与全球气候变化谈判提供参考。【方法】基于全国森林资源清查数据资料,利用Richards生长方程拟合方法,将全国划分为6个区域,每个区域分别建立8~9组主要优势树种(组)的样地公顷蓄积量与林龄的关系模型,并结合我国森林经营规划推算各时期的森林面积,预测2060年前我国的森林(不包括经济林和竹林)蓄积量、生物量碳库和碳汇潜力。【结果】到2030年,我国森林蓄积量将达到204.73亿m^(3),比2005年增加74.73亿m^(3);2060年将达到286.45亿m^(3)。从各区域动态变化来看,西南地区和东南地区是我国未来森林蓄积增长量最快的地方,也是森林质量精准提升潜力最大的地区,分别占2060年全国森林蓄积量的37.68%和21.37%。到2060年,现有森林碳储量将达到12.12 Pg C(Pg=1×1015g),新造林将再增加碳储量0.92 Pg C,森林生物量总碳库将达13.04 Pg C,与2018年的7.57 Pg C相比增加了5.47 Pg C,森林碳密度达63.96 Mg C·hm^(-2)。【结论】鉴于目前我国森林以中幼龄林为主,森林面积仍在不断增加,我国森林生物量碳库和碳汇能力在未来40年内还将持续增长,森林年增汇达到0.13 Pg C·a^(-1),表明我国森林具有较大的碳汇潜力。为此,需进一步加强森林资源保护和经营,减少森林碳损失,持续推进大规模国土绿化,以维持和增强我国森林的碳汇能力,助力实现“碳中和”目标。
【Objective】Prediction of the potential of carbon pool and carbon sink by China’s forest biomass before 2060 is carried out in order to provide an important basis for the study and development policies on emission reduction and sink enhancement,it is of significant implications for China to allow necessary CO_(2) emissions and negotiations on global climate change.【Method】Based on the data from the National Forest Inventory(NFI),eight to nine major dominant tree species(groups)were selected by region to fit the Richards growth equation,the relationship between volume per hectare and age of each dominant species(group)was established by dividing China into six regions.Using China’s forest management plans to project forest area by period,the forest timber volume and biomass carbon pool and carbon sink potential(excluding economic forests and bamboo forests)are estimated in China by 2060.【Results】By 2030,forest timber volume will reach 20473 million m^(3),an increase of 7473 million m^(3) compared with 2005,and by 2060,it will reach 28645 million m^(3).In view of the dynamic changes in each region,the southwest and southeast regions are the places with the fastest growth of forest timber volume in China in the future,and the areas with the greatest potential for precise improvement of forest quality,accounting for 37.68%and 21.37%of the national forest timber volume in 2060 respectively.By 2060,the existing forest carbon stocks will reach 12.12 Pg C and new plantations will add another 0.92 Pg C;the total forest biomass carbon pool will reach 13.04 Pg C,an increase of 5.47 Pg C compared to 7.57 Pg C in 2018.The forest carbon density will reach 63.96 Mg C·hm^(-2) in the same period.【Conclusion】Given that China’s forests are currently dominated by middle-and young-aged forests and the forest area is still increasing,the carbon pool and carbon sink capacity of China’s forest biomass will continue to grow in the next 40 years,with average annual increase in forest carbon sink up to 0.13 Pg C·a^(-1).This indicates that China’s forests have a large potential for carbon sinks.For this reason,it is necessary to further strengthen the protection and management of forest resources,reduce forest carbon losses and continue to promote large-scale greening of the national territory,in order to maintain and enhance the carbon sink capacity of China’s forests and help achieve the goal of“carbon neutrality”.
Fu Xiao;Zhang Yuxing;Wang Xuejun(College of Applied Sciences and Humanities,Beijing Union University ,Beijing 100091;Academy of Forest and Grassland Inventory and Planning,National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Beijing 100714;Office of the National Forestry and Grassland Administrations Forest Resources Supervision Commissioner in Beijing ,Beijing 100714)
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
National Forest Inventory(NFI)
age of forest
forest volume
biomass carbon sinks pool
carbon density