Since the end of the Cold War,especially under the Trump administration,the United States has conducted economic sanctions more frequently,drawing growing international criticism.The Biden administration embarks on a reform of U.S.sanctions,which involves setting clear objectives,strengthening coordination with allies,mitigating unintended consequences,emphasizing flexibility and efficacy,and modernizing the capacity of sanctions enforcers.The unprecedented economic sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies on Russia following Moscow’s military actions in Ukraine provide an important opportunity to assess the Biden administration’s sanctions reform.Washington has set mixed and dangerous goals for Russia sanctions and failed to coordinate the use of sanctions and other foreign policy tools.It emphasizes using sanctions to punish Russia while ignoring their bargaining function,and underestimates the systemic impact of sanctions.This shows that the U.S.sanctions against Russia deviate from the purposes and principles of President Biden’s sanctions reform,which either means that the Biden administration is not very serious about its sanctions reform or it has set a very ambitious goal for the sanctions against Russia,aiming to reshape the regional and even global political and economic order.
Global Review